delivery_datatype check_status_sv data_checked_by_sv visit_year visit_month station_name reported_station_name sample_location_id station_id station_cluster sample_project_name_en sample_orderer_name_en platform_code visit_id shark_sample_id_md5 sample_date sample_time sample_latitude_dm sample_longitude_dm sample_latitude_dd sample_longitude_dd positioning_system_code water_depth_m wind_direction_code wind_speed_ms air_temperature_degc air_pressure_hpa weather_observation_code cloud_observation_code wave_observation_code wave_height_m ice_observation_code secchi_depth_m secchi_depth_quality_flag visit_comment sediment_type sample_id sample_min_depth_m sample_max_depth_m sampling_laboratory_name_en sampling_laboratory_accreditated sampler_type_code sampled_volume_l sampler_area_cm2 oxidized_layer_cm sample_comment scientific_name species_flag_code dyntaxa_id aphia_id parameter value unit quality_flag calc_by_dc dev_stage_code sample_part_id taxonomist method_documentation method_reference_code fauna_flora_found factors_influencing_code variable_comment analytical_laboratory_name_en analytical_laboratory_accreditated analysed_by analysis_date preservation_method_code upper_mesh_size_um lower_mesh_size_um number_of_portions counted_portions sample_part_min_cm sample_part_max_cm station_viss_eu_id water_land_station_type_code monitoring_station_type_code monitoring_purpose_code monitoring_program_code reported_scientific_name reported_parameter reported_value reported_unit reporting_institute_name_en data_holding_centre internet_access dataset_name Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 1 384251 R 1 384251 384250 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 53d0bf967c2aaabb7e556580c88c52a6 2019-06-19 16:00 65 48.97 22 27.13 65.81618 22.45209 GPS 3.2 18 8 16 9 9 2 Siltig lera. Grus/järnfällningar 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium SP 1005133 181554 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 1 384251 R 1 384251 384250 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 53d0bf967c2aaabb7e556580c88c52a6 2019-06-19 16:00 65 48.97 22 27.13 65.81618 22.45209 GPS 3.2 18 8 16 9 9 2 Siltig lera. Grus/järnfällningar 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 1 384251 R 1 384251 384250 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 53d0bf967c2aaabb7e556580c88c52a6 2019-06-19 16:00 65 48.97 22 27.13 65.81618 22.45209 GPS 3.2 18 8 16 9 9 2 Siltig lera. Grus/järnfällningar 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 1 384251 R 1 384251 384250 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 53d0bf967c2aaabb7e556580c88c52a6 2019-06-19 16:00 65 48.97 22 27.13 65.81618 22.45209 GPS 3.2 18 8 16 9 9 2 Siltig lera. Grus/järnfällningar 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium SP 1005133 181554 Wet weight 0.0047 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 1 384251 R 1 384251 384250 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 53d0bf967c2aaabb7e556580c88c52a6 2019-06-19 16:00 65 48.97 22 27.13 65.81618 22.45209 GPS 3.2 18 8 16 9 9 2 Siltig lera. Grus/järnfällningar 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0109 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 1 384251 R 1 384251 384250 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 53d0bf967c2aaabb7e556580c88c52a6 2019-06-19 16:00 65 48.97 22 27.13 65.81618 22.45209 GPS 3.2 18 8 16 9 9 2 Siltig lera. Grus/järnfällningar 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium sp. 1005133 181554 Abundance 29.3542 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 1 384251 R 1 384251 384250 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 53d0bf967c2aaabb7e556580c88c52a6 2019-06-19 16:00 65 48.97 22 27.13 65.81618 22.45209 GPS 3.2 18 8 16 9 9 2 Siltig lera. Grus/järnfällningar 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 78.2779 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 1 384251 R 1 384251 384250 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 53d0bf967c2aaabb7e556580c88c52a6 2019-06-19 16:00 65 48.97 22 27.13 65.81618 22.45209 GPS 3.2 18 8 16 9 9 2 Siltig lera. Grus/järnfällningar 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium sp. 1005133 181554 Wet weight/area 0.0459883 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 1 384251 R 1 384251 384250 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 53d0bf967c2aaabb7e556580c88c52a6 2019-06-19 16:00 65 48.97 22 27.13 65.81618 22.45209 GPS 3.2 18 8 16 9 9 2 Siltig lera. Grus/järnfällningar 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.106654 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 1 384251 R 1 384251 384250 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 53d0bf967c2aaabb7e556580c88c52a6 2019-06-19 16:00 65 48.97 22 27.13 65.81618 22.45209 GPS 3.2 18 8 16 9 9 2 Siltig lera. Grus/järnfällningar 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 1.56967 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 2 384271 R 2 384271 384270 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e60dd3dcb25b15c235587d53f570f848 2019-06-19 12:50 65 49.37 22 29.19 65.82287 22.48655 GPS 3.5 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 2 384271 R 2 384271 384270 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e60dd3dcb25b15c235587d53f570f848 2019-06-19 12:50 65 49.37 22 29.19 65.82287 22.48655 GPS 3.5 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 68 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 2 384271 R 2 384271 384270 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e60dd3dcb25b15c235587d53f570f848 2019-06-19 12:50 65 49.37 22 29.19 65.82287 22.48655 GPS 3.5 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 2 384271 R 2 384271 384270 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e60dd3dcb25b15c235587d53f570f848 2019-06-19 12:50 65 49.37 22 29.19 65.82287 22.48655 GPS 3.5 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight 0.0025 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 2 384271 R 2 384271 384270 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e60dd3dcb25b15c235587d53f570f848 2019-06-19 12:50 65 49.37 22 29.19 65.82287 22.48655 GPS 3.5 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 2.2708 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 2 384271 R 2 384271 384270 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e60dd3dcb25b15c235587d53f570f848 2019-06-19 12:50 65 49.37 22 29.19 65.82287 22.48655 GPS 3.5 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 2 384271 R 2 384271 384270 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e60dd3dcb25b15c235587d53f570f848 2019-06-19 12:50 65 49.37 22 29.19 65.82287 22.48655 GPS 3.5 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 665.362 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 2 384271 R 2 384271 384270 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e60dd3dcb25b15c235587d53f570f848 2019-06-19 12:50 65 49.37 22 29.19 65.82287 22.48655 GPS 3.5 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight/area 0.0244618 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 2 384271 R 2 384271 384270 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e60dd3dcb25b15c235587d53f570f848 2019-06-19 12:50 65 49.37 22 29.19 65.82287 22.48655 GPS 3.5 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 22.2192 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 2 384271 R 2 384271 384270 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e60dd3dcb25b15c235587d53f570f848 2019-06-19 12:50 65 49.37 22 29.19 65.82287 22.48655 GPS 3.5 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.502165 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 3 384293 R 3 384293 384292 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bea4022bc76955b5fa6f897916ce45dc 2019-06-19 11:53 65 46.80 22 33.47 65.77997 22.55783 GPS 8.5 20 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 8.5 8.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 3 384293 R 3 384293 384292 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bea4022bc76955b5fa6f897916ce45dc 2019-06-19 11:53 65 46.80 22 33.47 65.77997 22.55783 GPS 8.5 20 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 8.5 8.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 3 384293 R 3 384293 384292 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bea4022bc76955b5fa6f897916ce45dc 2019-06-19 11:53 65 46.80 22 33.47 65.77997 22.55783 GPS 8.5 20 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 8.5 8.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 3 384293 R 3 384293 384292 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bea4022bc76955b5fa6f897916ce45dc 2019-06-19 11:53 65 46.80 22 33.47 65.77997 22.55783 GPS 8.5 20 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 8.5 8.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.019 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 3 384293 R 3 384293 384292 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bea4022bc76955b5fa6f897916ce45dc 2019-06-19 11:53 65 46.80 22 33.47 65.77997 22.55783 GPS 8.5 20 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 8.5 8.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0294 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 3 384293 R 3 384293 384292 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bea4022bc76955b5fa6f897916ce45dc 2019-06-19 11:53 65 46.80 22 33.47 65.77997 22.55783 GPS 8.5 20 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 8.5 8.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 39.1389 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 3 384293 R 3 384293 384292 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bea4022bc76955b5fa6f897916ce45dc 2019-06-19 11:53 65 46.80 22 33.47 65.77997 22.55783 GPS 8.5 20 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 8.5 8.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 3 384293 R 3 384293 384292 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bea4022bc76955b5fa6f897916ce45dc 2019-06-19 11:53 65 46.80 22 33.47 65.77997 22.55783 GPS 8.5 20 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 8.5 8.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.18591 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 3 384293 R 3 384293 384292 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bea4022bc76955b5fa6f897916ce45dc 2019-06-19 11:53 65 46.80 22 33.47 65.77997 22.55783 GPS 8.5 20 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 8.5 8.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.287671 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 3 384293 R 3 384293 384292 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bea4022bc76955b5fa6f897916ce45dc 2019-06-19 11:53 65 46.80 22 33.47 65.77997 22.55783 GPS 8.5 20 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 8.5 8.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.257671 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 4 384315 R 4 384315 384314 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0ead0ce6197086a81882a7edc607283c 2019-06-19 10:35 65 46.27 22 38.21 65.77112 22.63685 GPS 5.5 24 2 16 9 9 1 Sandig silt 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 4 384315 R 4 384315 384314 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0ead0ce6197086a81882a7edc607283c 2019-06-19 10:35 65 46.27 22 38.21 65.77112 22.63685 GPS 5.5 24 2 16 9 9 1 Sandig silt 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 17 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 4 384315 R 4 384315 384314 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0ead0ce6197086a81882a7edc607283c 2019-06-19 10:35 65 46.27 22 38.21 65.77112 22.63685 GPS 5.5 24 2 16 9 9 1 Sandig silt 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 4 384315 R 4 384315 384314 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0ead0ce6197086a81882a7edc607283c 2019-06-19 10:35 65 46.27 22 38.21 65.77112 22.63685 GPS 5.5 24 2 16 9 9 1 Sandig silt 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0036 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 4 384315 R 4 384315 384314 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0ead0ce6197086a81882a7edc607283c 2019-06-19 10:35 65 46.27 22 38.21 65.77112 22.63685 GPS 5.5 24 2 16 9 9 1 Sandig silt 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0074 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 4 384315 R 4 384315 384314 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0ead0ce6197086a81882a7edc607283c 2019-06-19 10:35 65 46.27 22 38.21 65.77112 22.63685 GPS 5.5 24 2 16 9 9 1 Sandig silt 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 4 384315 R 4 384315 384314 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0ead0ce6197086a81882a7edc607283c 2019-06-19 10:35 65 46.27 22 38.21 65.77112 22.63685 GPS 5.5 24 2 16 9 9 1 Sandig silt 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 166.341 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 4 384315 R 4 384315 384314 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0ead0ce6197086a81882a7edc607283c 2019-06-19 10:35 65 46.27 22 38.21 65.77112 22.63685 GPS 5.5 24 2 16 9 9 1 Sandig silt 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.035225 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 4 384315 R 4 384315 384314 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0ead0ce6197086a81882a7edc607283c 2019-06-19 10:35 65 46.27 22 38.21 65.77112 22.63685 GPS 5.5 24 2 16 9 9 1 Sandig silt 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.072407 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 4 384315 R 4 384315 384314 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0ead0ce6197086a81882a7edc607283c 2019-06-19 10:35 65 46.27 22 38.21 65.77112 22.63685 GPS 5.5 24 2 16 9 9 1 Sandig silt 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.375998 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 5 384329 R 5 384329 384328 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3eedd3242a58d8166f6f7915e147be92 2019-06-19 13:00 65 46.37 22 43.54 65.77282 22.72572 GPS 6 13 4 16 9 9 2 Siltig sand 6 6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 5 384329 R 5 384329 384328 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3eedd3242a58d8166f6f7915e147be92 2019-06-19 13:00 65 46.37 22 43.54 65.77282 22.72572 GPS 6 13 4 16 9 9 2 Siltig sand 6 6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 5 384329 R 5 384329 384328 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3eedd3242a58d8166f6f7915e147be92 2019-06-19 13:00 65 46.37 22 43.54 65.77282 22.72572 GPS 6 13 4 16 9 9 2 Siltig sand 6 6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight 0.0019 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 5 384329 R 5 384329 384328 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3eedd3242a58d8166f6f7915e147be92 2019-06-19 13:00 65 46.37 22 43.54 65.77282 22.72572 GPS 6 13 4 16 9 9 2 Siltig sand 6 6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 5 384329 R 5 384329 384328 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3eedd3242a58d8166f6f7915e147be92 2019-06-19 13:00 65 46.37 22 43.54 65.77282 22.72572 GPS 6 13 4 16 9 9 2 Siltig sand 6 6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight/area 0.018591 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 5 384329 R 5 384329 384328 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3eedd3242a58d8166f6f7915e147be92 2019-06-19 13:00 65 46.37 22 43.54 65.77282 22.72572 GPS 6 13 4 16 9 9 2 Siltig sand 6 6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.492684 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 6 384333 R 6 384333 384332 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8e1c52b0ed3596990c2b656be3bbd00c 2019-06-19 13:05 65 45.67 22 43.31 65.76111 22.72176 GPS 17.4 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttjelera 17.4 17.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 6 384333 R 6 384333 384332 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8e1c52b0ed3596990c2b656be3bbd00c 2019-06-19 13:05 65 45.67 22 43.31 65.76111 22.72176 GPS 17.4 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttjelera 17.4 17.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 6 384333 R 6 384333 384332 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8e1c52b0ed3596990c2b656be3bbd00c 2019-06-19 13:05 65 45.67 22 43.31 65.76111 22.72176 GPS 17.4 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttjelera 17.4 17.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0003 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 6 384333 R 6 384333 384332 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8e1c52b0ed3596990c2b656be3bbd00c 2019-06-19 13:05 65 45.67 22 43.31 65.76111 22.72176 GPS 17.4 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttjelera 17.4 17.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 6 384333 R 6 384333 384332 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8e1c52b0ed3596990c2b656be3bbd00c 2019-06-19 13:05 65 45.67 22 43.31 65.76111 22.72176 GPS 17.4 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttjelera 17.4 17.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.00293542 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 6 384333 R 6 384333 384332 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8e1c52b0ed3596990c2b656be3bbd00c 2019-06-19 13:05 65 45.67 22 43.31 65.76111 22.72176 GPS 17.4 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttjelera 17.4 17.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.739026 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 7 384335 R 7 384335 384334 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6bcd3ece10744e58652f3a916b9f808e 2019-06-19 11:32 65 42.32 22 42.83 65.70537 22.71377 GPS 10.4 11 3 16 9 9 2 Sandig silt. Enstaka järnutfällningar 10.4 10.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 7 384335 R 7 384335 384334 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6bcd3ece10744e58652f3a916b9f808e 2019-06-19 11:32 65 42.32 22 42.83 65.70537 22.71377 GPS 10.4 11 3 16 9 9 2 Sandig silt. Enstaka järnutfällningar 10.4 10.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 7 384335 R 7 384335 384334 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6bcd3ece10744e58652f3a916b9f808e 2019-06-19 11:32 65 42.32 22 42.83 65.70537 22.71377 GPS 10.4 11 3 16 9 9 2 Sandig silt. Enstaka järnutfällningar 10.4 10.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 7 384335 R 7 384335 384334 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6bcd3ece10744e58652f3a916b9f808e 2019-06-19 11:32 65 42.32 22 42.83 65.70537 22.71377 GPS 10.4 11 3 16 9 9 2 Sandig silt. Enstaka järnutfällningar 10.4 10.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0023 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 7 384335 R 7 384335 384334 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6bcd3ece10744e58652f3a916b9f808e 2019-06-19 11:32 65 42.32 22 42.83 65.70537 22.71377 GPS 10.4 11 3 16 9 9 2 Sandig silt. Enstaka järnutfällningar 10.4 10.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.001 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 7 384335 R 7 384335 384334 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6bcd3ece10744e58652f3a916b9f808e 2019-06-19 11:32 65 42.32 22 42.83 65.70537 22.71377 GPS 10.4 11 3 16 9 9 2 Sandig silt. Enstaka järnutfällningar 10.4 10.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 7 384335 R 7 384335 384334 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6bcd3ece10744e58652f3a916b9f808e 2019-06-19 11:32 65 42.32 22 42.83 65.70537 22.71377 GPS 10.4 11 3 16 9 9 2 Sandig silt. Enstaka järnutfällningar 10.4 10.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 29.3542 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 7 384335 R 7 384335 384334 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6bcd3ece10744e58652f3a916b9f808e 2019-06-19 11:32 65 42.32 22 42.83 65.70537 22.71377 GPS 10.4 11 3 16 9 9 2 Sandig silt. Enstaka järnutfällningar 10.4 10.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.0225049 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 7 384335 R 7 384335 384334 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6bcd3ece10744e58652f3a916b9f808e 2019-06-19 11:32 65 42.32 22 42.83 65.70537 22.71377 GPS 10.4 11 3 16 9 9 2 Sandig silt. Enstaka järnutfällningar 10.4 10.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.00978474 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 7 384335 R 7 384335 384334 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6bcd3ece10744e58652f3a916b9f808e 2019-06-19 11:32 65 42.32 22 42.83 65.70537 22.71377 GPS 10.4 11 3 16 9 9 2 Sandig silt. Enstaka järnutfällningar 10.4 10.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.94272 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 8 384337 R 8 384337 384336 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 beca40f8e5f8f07461a79f85e9fe4c44 2019-06-19 11:15 65 42.33 22 41.37 65.70550 22.68956 GPS 16.5 11 3 16 9 9 2 Lera. Stort inslag av grus. 16.5 16.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 8 384337 R 8 384337 384336 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 beca40f8e5f8f07461a79f85e9fe4c44 2019-06-19 11:15 65 42.33 22 41.37 65.70550 22.68956 GPS 16.5 11 3 16 9 9 2 Lera. Stort inslag av grus. 16.5 16.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 8 384337 R 8 384337 384336 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 beca40f8e5f8f07461a79f85e9fe4c44 2019-06-19 11:15 65 42.33 22 41.37 65.70550 22.68956 GPS 16.5 11 3 16 9 9 2 Lera. Stort inslag av grus. 16.5 16.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0209 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 8 384337 R 8 384337 384336 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 beca40f8e5f8f07461a79f85e9fe4c44 2019-06-19 11:15 65 42.33 22 41.37 65.70550 22.68956 GPS 16.5 11 3 16 9 9 2 Lera. Stort inslag av grus. 16.5 16.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 88.0626 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 8 384337 R 8 384337 384336 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 beca40f8e5f8f07461a79f85e9fe4c44 2019-06-19 11:15 65 42.33 22 41.37 65.70550 22.68956 GPS 16.5 11 3 16 9 9 2 Lera. Stort inslag av grus. 16.5 16.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.204501 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 8 384337 R 8 384337 384336 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 beca40f8e5f8f07461a79f85e9fe4c44 2019-06-19 11:15 65 42.33 22 41.37 65.70550 22.68956 GPS 16.5 11 3 16 9 9 2 Lera. Stort inslag av grus. 16.5 16.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 2.88016 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0027 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0107 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0002 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria sp. 1007529 129615 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 29.3542 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria sp. 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.0264188 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.104697 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.00195695 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 9 384339 R 9 384339 384338 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 42b440bd992a7925df75584b16b32f06 2019-06-19 09:46 65 40.77 22 35.61 65.67949 22.59349 GPS 19.8 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 19.8 19.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 3.0371 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 10 384601 R 10 384601 384600 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 b15ff9936e2889d2657965f10fcb0930 2019-06-19 10:33 65 41.41 22 39.83 65.69012 22.66383 GPS 24.5 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lera, grusinslag 24.5 24.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight 0.0 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 10 384601 R 10 384601 384600 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 b15ff9936e2889d2657965f10fcb0930 2019-06-19 10:33 65 41.41 22 39.83 65.69012 22.66383 GPS 24.5 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lera, grusinslag 24.5 24.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 N - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 10 384601 R 10 384601 384600 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 b15ff9936e2889d2657965f10fcb0930 2019-06-19 10:33 65 41.41 22 39.83 65.69012 22.66383 GPS 24.5 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lera, grusinslag 24.5 24.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight/area 0.0 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 10 384601 R 10 384601 384600 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 b15ff9936e2889d2657965f10fcb0930 2019-06-19 10:33 65 41.41 22 39.83 65.69012 22.66383 GPS 24.5 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lera, grusinslag 24.5 24.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 No species in sample 0 ind Leonardsson, K., 2004 N B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.011 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0405 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0047 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 68.4932 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.107632 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.396282 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0459883 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 11 384253 R 11 384253 384252 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fce9af67c2cf31329a3b8f2d5a8c6f8d 2019-06-19 12:24 65 43.30 22 41.01 65.72161 22.68356 GPS 18 13 3 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 18 18 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 4.07353 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 12 384255 R 12 384255 384254 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 34204690ab40ee5a21223dcd03498fe8 2019-06-19 09:31 65 42.53 22 34.35 65.70885 22.57253 GPS 9.8 24 1 16 9 9 1 ljusgrå lera, ytskikt rostbrunt hårdare lera 9.8 9.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 12 384255 R 12 384255 384254 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 34204690ab40ee5a21223dcd03498fe8 2019-06-19 09:31 65 42.53 22 34.35 65.70885 22.57253 GPS 9.8 24 1 16 9 9 1 ljusgrå lera, ytskikt rostbrunt hårdare lera 9.8 9.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 12 384255 R 12 384255 384254 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 34204690ab40ee5a21223dcd03498fe8 2019-06-19 09:31 65 42.53 22 34.35 65.70885 22.57253 GPS 9.8 24 1 16 9 9 1 ljusgrå lera, ytskikt rostbrunt hårdare lera 9.8 9.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 12 384255 R 12 384255 384254 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 34204690ab40ee5a21223dcd03498fe8 2019-06-19 09:31 65 42.53 22 34.35 65.70885 22.57253 GPS 9.8 24 1 16 9 9 1 ljusgrå lera, ytskikt rostbrunt hårdare lera 9.8 9.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0069 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 12 384255 R 12 384255 384254 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 34204690ab40ee5a21223dcd03498fe8 2019-06-19 09:31 65 42.53 22 34.35 65.70885 22.57253 GPS 9.8 24 1 16 9 9 1 ljusgrå lera, ytskikt rostbrunt hårdare lera 9.8 9.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0009 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 12 384255 R 12 384255 384254 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 34204690ab40ee5a21223dcd03498fe8 2019-06-19 09:31 65 42.53 22 34.35 65.70885 22.57253 GPS 9.8 24 1 16 9 9 1 ljusgrå lera, ytskikt rostbrunt hårdare lera 9.8 9.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 12 384255 R 12 384255 384254 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 34204690ab40ee5a21223dcd03498fe8 2019-06-19 09:31 65 42.53 22 34.35 65.70885 22.57253 GPS 9.8 24 1 16 9 9 1 ljusgrå lera, ytskikt rostbrunt hårdare lera 9.8 9.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 12 384255 R 12 384255 384254 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 34204690ab40ee5a21223dcd03498fe8 2019-06-19 09:31 65 42.53 22 34.35 65.70885 22.57253 GPS 9.8 24 1 16 9 9 1 ljusgrå lera, ytskikt rostbrunt hårdare lera 9.8 9.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.0675147 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 12 384255 R 12 384255 384254 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 34204690ab40ee5a21223dcd03498fe8 2019-06-19 09:31 65 42.53 22 34.35 65.70885 22.57253 GPS 9.8 24 1 16 9 9 1 ljusgrå lera, ytskikt rostbrunt hårdare lera 9.8 9.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.00880626 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 12 384255 R 12 384255 384254 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 34204690ab40ee5a21223dcd03498fe8 2019-06-19 09:31 65 42.53 22 34.35 65.70885 22.57253 GPS 9.8 24 1 16 9 9 1 ljusgrå lera, ytskikt rostbrunt hårdare lera 9.8 9.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 1.67595 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 13 384257 R 13 384257 384256 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 03c2234ddb6ffd06aa3e99cd3dfa7f33 2019-06-19 13:53 65 44.67 22 37.56 65.74453 22.62592 GPS 12.9 18 7 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 13 384257 R 13 384257 384256 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 03c2234ddb6ffd06aa3e99cd3dfa7f33 2019-06-19 13:53 65 44.67 22 37.56 65.74453 22.62592 GPS 12.9 18 7 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 13 384257 R 13 384257 384256 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 03c2234ddb6ffd06aa3e99cd3dfa7f33 2019-06-19 13:53 65 44.67 22 37.56 65.74453 22.62592 GPS 12.9 18 7 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 13 384257 R 13 384257 384256 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 03c2234ddb6ffd06aa3e99cd3dfa7f33 2019-06-19 13:53 65 44.67 22 37.56 65.74453 22.62592 GPS 12.9 18 7 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0016 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 13 384257 R 13 384257 384256 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 03c2234ddb6ffd06aa3e99cd3dfa7f33 2019-06-19 13:53 65 44.67 22 37.56 65.74453 22.62592 GPS 12.9 18 7 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0055 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 13 384257 R 13 384257 384256 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 03c2234ddb6ffd06aa3e99cd3dfa7f33 2019-06-19 13:53 65 44.67 22 37.56 65.74453 22.62592 GPS 12.9 18 7 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 13 384257 R 13 384257 384256 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 03c2234ddb6ffd06aa3e99cd3dfa7f33 2019-06-19 13:53 65 44.67 22 37.56 65.74453 22.62592 GPS 12.9 18 7 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 13 384257 R 13 384257 384256 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 03c2234ddb6ffd06aa3e99cd3dfa7f33 2019-06-19 13:53 65 44.67 22 37.56 65.74453 22.62592 GPS 12.9 18 7 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0156556 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 13 384257 R 13 384257 384256 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 03c2234ddb6ffd06aa3e99cd3dfa7f33 2019-06-19 13:53 65 44.67 22 37.56 65.74453 22.62592 GPS 12.9 18 7 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.053816 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 13 384257 R 13 384257 384256 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 03c2234ddb6ffd06aa3e99cd3dfa7f33 2019-06-19 13:53 65 44.67 22 37.56 65.74453 22.62592 GPS 12.9 18 7 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.176494 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0035 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0177 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0006 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 58.7084 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0342466 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.17319 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.00587084 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 14 384259 R 14 384259 384258 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ef45ce8776f2e42b885ea15372e1c3b9 2019-06-19 10:15 65 42.14 22 37.45 65.70231 22.62412 GPS 16.3 9 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja, kvistar i 16.3 16.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 4.22498 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0014 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0041 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0027 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0136986 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.0401174 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0264188 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 15 384261 R 15 384261 384260 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6a406ee071c08fe1145f9a37d34ea0b8 2019-06-19 09:47 65 43.73 22 32.11 65.72879 22.53520 GPS 12.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 lergyttja,översta 4cm gyttja 12.9 12.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 1.18958 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 16 384263 R 16 384263 384262 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 820b3f413610db09d77fc87ff6bba400 2019-06-19 10:07 65 45.30 22 33.36 65.75493 22.55608 GPS 11.9 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 16 384263 R 16 384263 384262 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 820b3f413610db09d77fc87ff6bba400 2019-06-19 10:07 65 45.30 22 33.36 65.75493 22.55608 GPS 11.9 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 16 384263 R 16 384263 384262 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 820b3f413610db09d77fc87ff6bba400 2019-06-19 10:07 65 45.30 22 33.36 65.75493 22.55608 GPS 11.9 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 16 384263 R 16 384263 384262 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 820b3f413610db09d77fc87ff6bba400 2019-06-19 10:07 65 45.30 22 33.36 65.75493 22.55608 GPS 11.9 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0165 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 16 384263 R 16 384263 384262 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 820b3f413610db09d77fc87ff6bba400 2019-06-19 10:07 65 45.30 22 33.36 65.75493 22.55608 GPS 11.9 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0042 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 16 384263 R 16 384263 384262 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 820b3f413610db09d77fc87ff6bba400 2019-06-19 10:07 65 45.30 22 33.36 65.75493 22.55608 GPS 11.9 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 39.1389 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 16 384263 R 16 384263 384262 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 820b3f413610db09d77fc87ff6bba400 2019-06-19 10:07 65 45.30 22 33.36 65.75493 22.55608 GPS 11.9 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 16 384263 R 16 384263 384262 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 820b3f413610db09d77fc87ff6bba400 2019-06-19 10:07 65 45.30 22 33.36 65.75493 22.55608 GPS 11.9 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.161448 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 16 384263 R 16 384263 384262 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 820b3f413610db09d77fc87ff6bba400 2019-06-19 10:07 65 45.30 22 33.36 65.75493 22.55608 GPS 11.9 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0410959 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 16 384263 R 16 384263 384262 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 820b3f413610db09d77fc87ff6bba400 2019-06-19 10:07 65 45.30 22 33.36 65.75493 22.55608 GPS 11.9 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 2.87877 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Hydroptila SP 1001849 593198 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Hydroptila Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oecetis ochracea 206507 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oecetis ochracea Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight 0.004 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0181 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0169 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Hydroptila SP 1001849 593198 Wet weight 0.0001 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Hydroptila Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oecetis ochracea 206507 Wet weight 0.0001 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oecetis ochracea Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0258 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 39.1389 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 48.9237 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Hydroptila SP 1001849 593198 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Hydroptila Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oecetis ochracea 206507 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oecetis ochracea Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 78.2779 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight/area 0.0391389 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.177104 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.165362 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Hydroptila SP 1001849 593198 Wet weight/area 0.000978474 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Hydroptila Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oecetis ochracea 206507 Wet weight/area 0.000978474 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oecetis ochracea Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.252446 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 17 384265 R 17 384265 384264 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e0a08833e00ba9865bee6cb5d65f8572 2019-06-19 12:27 65 46.38 22 29.11 65.77298 22.48522 GPS 4.6 20 2 16 9 9 2 Grå lera med mörkare band i. Översta 5cm ljusbrun med järnutfällningar 4.6 4.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 3.4329 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 18 384267 R 18 384267 384266 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 54647a8551d671f97e9a55cb35f02007 2019-06-19 09:12 65 43.46 22 24.73 65.72432 22.41214 GPS 7.2 0 0 16 9 9 0 Sandig grovlera med järnutfällningar i fingrusstorlek 7.2 7.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 18 384267 R 18 384267 384266 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 54647a8551d671f97e9a55cb35f02007 2019-06-19 09:12 65 43.46 22 24.73 65.72432 22.41214 GPS 7.2 0 0 16 9 9 0 Sandig grovlera med järnutfällningar i fingrusstorlek 7.2 7.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 18 384267 R 18 384267 384266 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 54647a8551d671f97e9a55cb35f02007 2019-06-19 09:12 65 43.46 22 24.73 65.72432 22.41214 GPS 7.2 0 0 16 9 9 0 Sandig grovlera med järnutfällningar i fingrusstorlek 7.2 7.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 18 384267 R 18 384267 384266 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 54647a8551d671f97e9a55cb35f02007 2019-06-19 09:12 65 43.46 22 24.73 65.72432 22.41214 GPS 7.2 0 0 16 9 9 0 Sandig grovlera med järnutfällningar i fingrusstorlek 7.2 7.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0006 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 18 384267 R 18 384267 384266 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 54647a8551d671f97e9a55cb35f02007 2019-06-19 09:12 65 43.46 22 24.73 65.72432 22.41214 GPS 7.2 0 0 16 9 9 0 Sandig grovlera med järnutfällningar i fingrusstorlek 7.2 7.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0014 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 18 384267 R 18 384267 384266 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 54647a8551d671f97e9a55cb35f02007 2019-06-19 09:12 65 43.46 22 24.73 65.72432 22.41214 GPS 7.2 0 0 16 9 9 0 Sandig grovlera med järnutfällningar i fingrusstorlek 7.2 7.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 18 384267 R 18 384267 384266 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 54647a8551d671f97e9a55cb35f02007 2019-06-19 09:12 65 43.46 22 24.73 65.72432 22.41214 GPS 7.2 0 0 16 9 9 0 Sandig grovlera med järnutfällningar i fingrusstorlek 7.2 7.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 29.3542 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 18 384267 R 18 384267 384266 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 54647a8551d671f97e9a55cb35f02007 2019-06-19 09:12 65 43.46 22 24.73 65.72432 22.41214 GPS 7.2 0 0 16 9 9 0 Sandig grovlera med järnutfällningar i fingrusstorlek 7.2 7.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.00587084 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 18 384267 R 18 384267 384266 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 54647a8551d671f97e9a55cb35f02007 2019-06-19 09:12 65 43.46 22 24.73 65.72432 22.41214 GPS 7.2 0 0 16 9 9 0 Sandig grovlera med järnutfällningar i fingrusstorlek 7.2 7.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0136986 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 18 384267 R 18 384267 384266 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 54647a8551d671f97e9a55cb35f02007 2019-06-19 09:12 65 43.46 22 24.73 65.72432 22.41214 GPS 7.2 0 0 16 9 9 0 Sandig grovlera med järnutfällningar i fingrusstorlek 7.2 7.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.680854 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 19 384269 R 19 384269 384268 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7ff09f6177dbde7b364bdc818642cd4f 2019-06-19 14:25 65 44.27 22 28.31 65.73786 22.47186 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 3 Brun lergyttj. Ytskiktet grå gyttjelera 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 19 384269 R 19 384269 384268 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7ff09f6177dbde7b364bdc818642cd4f 2019-06-19 14:25 65 44.27 22 28.31 65.73786 22.47186 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 3 Brun lergyttj. Ytskiktet grå gyttjelera 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 19 384269 R 19 384269 384268 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7ff09f6177dbde7b364bdc818642cd4f 2019-06-19 14:25 65 44.27 22 28.31 65.73786 22.47186 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 3 Brun lergyttj. Ytskiktet grå gyttjelera 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0032 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 19 384269 R 19 384269 384268 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7ff09f6177dbde7b364bdc818642cd4f 2019-06-19 14:25 65 44.27 22 28.31 65.73786 22.47186 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 3 Brun lergyttj. Ytskiktet grå gyttjelera 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 19 384269 R 19 384269 384268 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7ff09f6177dbde7b364bdc818642cd4f 2019-06-19 14:25 65 44.27 22 28.31 65.73786 22.47186 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 3 Brun lergyttj. Ytskiktet grå gyttjelera 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.0313112 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 19 384269 R 19 384269 384268 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7ff09f6177dbde7b364bdc818642cd4f 2019-06-19 14:25 65 44.27 22 28.31 65.73786 22.47186 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 3 Brun lergyttj. Ytskiktet grå gyttjelera 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.739026 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 20 384273 R 20 384273 384272 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 731d1906fe0b52a48d78b1b34a103f09 2019-06-19 09:03 65 44.71 22 21.65 65.74519 22.36086 GPS 7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 7 7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 20 384273 R 20 384273 384272 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 731d1906fe0b52a48d78b1b34a103f09 2019-06-19 09:03 65 44.71 22 21.65 65.74519 22.36086 GPS 7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 7 7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 20 384273 R 20 384273 384272 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 731d1906fe0b52a48d78b1b34a103f09 2019-06-19 09:03 65 44.71 22 21.65 65.74519 22.36086 GPS 7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 7 7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0185 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 20 384273 R 20 384273 384272 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 731d1906fe0b52a48d78b1b34a103f09 2019-06-19 09:03 65 44.71 22 21.65 65.74519 22.36086 GPS 7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 7 7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 68.4932 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 20 384273 R 20 384273 384272 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 731d1906fe0b52a48d78b1b34a103f09 2019-06-19 09:03 65 44.71 22 21.65 65.74519 22.36086 GPS 7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 7 7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.181018 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 20 384273 R 20 384273 384272 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 731d1906fe0b52a48d78b1b34a103f09 2019-06-19 09:03 65 44.71 22 21.65 65.74519 22.36086 GPS 7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 7 7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.174006 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 21 384275 R 21 384275 384274 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8f4b36cd0e48b2a00d238025310a1d69 2019-06-19 08:43 65 46.48 22 19.67 65.77470 22.32784 GPS 4.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 4.5 4.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 21 384275 R 21 384275 384274 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8f4b36cd0e48b2a00d238025310a1d69 2019-06-19 08:43 65 46.48 22 19.67 65.77470 22.32784 GPS 4.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 4.5 4.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 21 384275 R 21 384275 384274 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8f4b36cd0e48b2a00d238025310a1d69 2019-06-19 08:43 65 46.48 22 19.67 65.77470 22.32784 GPS 4.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 4.5 4.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 21 384275 R 21 384275 384274 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8f4b36cd0e48b2a00d238025310a1d69 2019-06-19 08:43 65 46.48 22 19.67 65.77470 22.32784 GPS 4.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 4.5 4.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0018 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 21 384275 R 21 384275 384274 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8f4b36cd0e48b2a00d238025310a1d69 2019-06-19 08:43 65 46.48 22 19.67 65.77470 22.32784 GPS 4.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 4.5 4.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0204 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 21 384275 R 21 384275 384274 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8f4b36cd0e48b2a00d238025310a1d69 2019-06-19 08:43 65 46.48 22 19.67 65.77470 22.32784 GPS 4.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 4.5 4.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 21 384275 R 21 384275 384274 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8f4b36cd0e48b2a00d238025310a1d69 2019-06-19 08:43 65 46.48 22 19.67 65.77470 22.32784 GPS 4.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 4.5 4.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 107.632 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 21 384275 R 21 384275 384274 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8f4b36cd0e48b2a00d238025310a1d69 2019-06-19 08:43 65 46.48 22 19.67 65.77470 22.32784 GPS 4.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 4.5 4.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0176125 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 21 384275 R 21 384275 384274 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8f4b36cd0e48b2a00d238025310a1d69 2019-06-19 08:43 65 46.48 22 19.67 65.77470 22.32784 GPS 4.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 4.5 4.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.199609 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 21 384275 R 21 384275 384274 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8f4b36cd0e48b2a00d238025310a1d69 2019-06-19 08:43 65 46.48 22 19.67 65.77470 22.32784 GPS 4.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 4.5 4.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.334626 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Potamopyrgus antipodarum Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Ceratopogonidae 2001301 150940 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Ceratopogonidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight 0.0262 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0067 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Potamopyrgus antipodarum Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0051 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0082 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Ceratopogonidae 2001301 150940 Wet weight 0.0005 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Ceratopogonidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Potamopyrgus antipodarum Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 48.9237 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Ceratopogonidae 2001301 150940 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Ceratopogonidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight/area 0.25636 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.0655577 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Potamopyrgus antipodarum Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0499022 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0802348 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Ceratopogonidae 2001301 150940 Wet weight/area 0.00489237 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Ceratopogonidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 22 384277 R 22 384277 384276 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 8003828084e44cff777bf0f01cec62a7 2019-06-19 08:27 65 47.67 22 20.83 65.79448 22.34709 GPS 3.5 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 3.5 3.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 2.46342 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 23 384279 R 23 384279 384278 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0d447b42b8fb69a384a94c2e44c2b9f5 2019-06-19 13:22 65 51.18 22 25.38 65.85301 22.42303 GPS 3.6 18 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja med siltinslag 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 23 384279 R 23 384279 384278 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0d447b42b8fb69a384a94c2e44c2b9f5 2019-06-19 13:22 65 51.18 22 25.38 65.85301 22.42303 GPS 3.6 18 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja med siltinslag 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 23 384279 R 23 384279 384278 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0d447b42b8fb69a384a94c2e44c2b9f5 2019-06-19 13:22 65 51.18 22 25.38 65.85301 22.42303 GPS 3.6 18 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja med siltinslag 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0017 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 23 384279 R 23 384279 384278 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0d447b42b8fb69a384a94c2e44c2b9f5 2019-06-19 13:22 65 51.18 22 25.38 65.85301 22.42303 GPS 3.6 18 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja med siltinslag 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 23 384279 R 23 384279 384278 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0d447b42b8fb69a384a94c2e44c2b9f5 2019-06-19 13:22 65 51.18 22 25.38 65.85301 22.42303 GPS 3.6 18 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja med siltinslag 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0166341 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 23 384279 R 23 384279 384278 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 0d447b42b8fb69a384a94c2e44c2b9f5 2019-06-19 13:22 65 51.18 22 25.38 65.85301 22.42303 GPS 3.6 18 2 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja med siltinslag 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.0492684 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 24 384281 R 24 384281 384280 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6752eb8bc23c4e440b02bf739034809a 2019-06-19 15:35 65 48.30 22 22.64 65.80499 22.37732 GPS 12 18 8 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 12 12 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium SP 1005133 181554 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 24 384281 R 24 384281 384280 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6752eb8bc23c4e440b02bf739034809a 2019-06-19 15:35 65 48.30 22 22.64 65.80499 22.37732 GPS 12 18 8 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 12 12 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 24 384281 R 24 384281 384280 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6752eb8bc23c4e440b02bf739034809a 2019-06-19 15:35 65 48.30 22 22.64 65.80499 22.37732 GPS 12 18 8 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 12 12 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 24 384281 R 24 384281 384280 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6752eb8bc23c4e440b02bf739034809a 2019-06-19 15:35 65 48.30 22 22.64 65.80499 22.37732 GPS 12 18 8 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 12 12 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium SP 1005133 181554 Wet weight 0.0095 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 24 384281 R 24 384281 384280 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6752eb8bc23c4e440b02bf739034809a 2019-06-19 15:35 65 48.30 22 22.64 65.80499 22.37732 GPS 12 18 8 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 12 12 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0105 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 24 384281 R 24 384281 384280 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6752eb8bc23c4e440b02bf739034809a 2019-06-19 15:35 65 48.30 22 22.64 65.80499 22.37732 GPS 12 18 8 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 12 12 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium sp. 1005133 181554 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 24 384281 R 24 384281 384280 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6752eb8bc23c4e440b02bf739034809a 2019-06-19 15:35 65 48.30 22 22.64 65.80499 22.37732 GPS 12 18 8 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 12 12 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 29.3542 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 24 384281 R 24 384281 384280 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6752eb8bc23c4e440b02bf739034809a 2019-06-19 15:35 65 48.30 22 22.64 65.80499 22.37732 GPS 12 18 8 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 12 12 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium sp. 1005133 181554 Wet weight/area 0.092955 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 24 384281 R 24 384281 384280 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6752eb8bc23c4e440b02bf739034809a 2019-06-19 15:35 65 48.30 22 22.64 65.80499 22.37732 GPS 12 18 8 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 12 12 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.10274 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 24 384281 R 24 384281 384280 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6752eb8bc23c4e440b02bf739034809a 2019-06-19 15:35 65 48.30 22 22.64 65.80499 22.37732 GPS 12 18 8 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 12 12 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 1.55737 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 25 384283 R 25 384283 384282 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 eff13860b666c26dfaca0f084339009c 2019-06-19 15:10 65 47.72 22 25.64 65.79534 22.42741 GPS 7.3 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja med inslag av ren lera 7.3 7.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 25 384283 R 25 384283 384282 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 eff13860b666c26dfaca0f084339009c 2019-06-19 15:10 65 47.72 22 25.64 65.79534 22.42741 GPS 7.3 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja med inslag av ren lera 7.3 7.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 25 384283 R 25 384283 384282 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 eff13860b666c26dfaca0f084339009c 2019-06-19 15:10 65 47.72 22 25.64 65.79534 22.42741 GPS 7.3 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja med inslag av ren lera 7.3 7.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 25 384283 R 25 384283 384282 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 eff13860b666c26dfaca0f084339009c 2019-06-19 15:10 65 47.72 22 25.64 65.79534 22.42741 GPS 7.3 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja med inslag av ren lera 7.3 7.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.012 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 25 384283 R 25 384283 384282 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 eff13860b666c26dfaca0f084339009c 2019-06-19 15:10 65 47.72 22 25.64 65.79534 22.42741 GPS 7.3 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja med inslag av ren lera 7.3 7.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0174 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 25 384283 R 25 384283 384282 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 eff13860b666c26dfaca0f084339009c 2019-06-19 15:10 65 47.72 22 25.64 65.79534 22.42741 GPS 7.3 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja med inslag av ren lera 7.3 7.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 25 384283 R 25 384283 384282 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 eff13860b666c26dfaca0f084339009c 2019-06-19 15:10 65 47.72 22 25.64 65.79534 22.42741 GPS 7.3 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja med inslag av ren lera 7.3 7.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 58.7084 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 25 384283 R 25 384283 384282 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 eff13860b666c26dfaca0f084339009c 2019-06-19 15:10 65 47.72 22 25.64 65.79534 22.42741 GPS 7.3 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja med inslag av ren lera 7.3 7.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.117417 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 25 384283 R 25 384283 384282 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 eff13860b666c26dfaca0f084339009c 2019-06-19 15:10 65 47.72 22 25.64 65.79534 22.42741 GPS 7.3 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja med inslag av ren lera 7.3 7.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.170254 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 25 384283 R 25 384283 384282 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 eff13860b666c26dfaca0f084339009c 2019-06-19 15:10 65 47.72 22 25.64 65.79534 22.42741 GPS 7.3 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja med inslag av ren lera 7.3 7.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.275793 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium SP 1005133 181554 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 18 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Lampetra SP 1001778 101167 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Lampetra Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium SP 1005133 181554 Wet weight 0.0067 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.1967 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0416 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Lampetra SP 1001778 101167 Wet weight 0.5593 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Lampetra Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium SP 1005133 181554 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 176.125 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Lampetra SP 1001778 101167 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Lampetra Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium SP 1005133 181554 Wet weight/area 0.0655577 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 1.92466 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.407045 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Lampetra SP 1001778 101167 Wet weight/area 5.4726 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Lampetra Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 26 384285 R 26 384285 384284 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 778d914174aff293af89587816acd12e 2019-06-19 15:42 65 49.03 22 22.24 65.81722 22.37064 GPS 3.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3.6 3.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 1.29979 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 27 384287 R 27 384287 384286 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bccd5e18fb9b9ef7a4673e81945ec758 2019-06-19 16:14 65 49.90 22 24.03 65.83162 22.40058 GPS 3 18 10 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3 3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 27 384287 R 27 384287 384286 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bccd5e18fb9b9ef7a4673e81945ec758 2019-06-19 16:14 65 49.90 22 24.03 65.83162 22.40058 GPS 3 18 10 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3 3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 27 384287 R 27 384287 384286 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bccd5e18fb9b9ef7a4673e81945ec758 2019-06-19 16:14 65 49.90 22 24.03 65.83162 22.40058 GPS 3 18 10 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3 3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 27 384287 R 27 384287 384286 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bccd5e18fb9b9ef7a4673e81945ec758 2019-06-19 16:14 65 49.90 22 24.03 65.83162 22.40058 GPS 3 18 10 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3 3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0222 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 27 384287 R 27 384287 384286 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bccd5e18fb9b9ef7a4673e81945ec758 2019-06-19 16:14 65 49.90 22 24.03 65.83162 22.40058 GPS 3 18 10 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3 3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0048 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 27 384287 R 27 384287 384286 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bccd5e18fb9b9ef7a4673e81945ec758 2019-06-19 16:14 65 49.90 22 24.03 65.83162 22.40058 GPS 3 18 10 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3 3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 39.1389 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 27 384287 R 27 384287 384286 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bccd5e18fb9b9ef7a4673e81945ec758 2019-06-19 16:14 65 49.90 22 24.03 65.83162 22.40058 GPS 3 18 10 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3 3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 27 384287 R 27 384287 384286 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bccd5e18fb9b9ef7a4673e81945ec758 2019-06-19 16:14 65 49.90 22 24.03 65.83162 22.40058 GPS 3 18 10 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3 3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.217221 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 27 384287 R 27 384287 384286 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bccd5e18fb9b9ef7a4673e81945ec758 2019-06-19 16:14 65 49.90 22 24.03 65.83162 22.40058 GPS 3 18 10 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3 3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0469667 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 27 384287 R 27 384287 384286 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 bccd5e18fb9b9ef7a4673e81945ec758 2019-06-19 16:14 65 49.90 22 24.03 65.83162 22.40058 GPS 3 18 10 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 3 3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.257671 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 28 384289 R 28 384289 384288 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3197b1dd03d54e4579fc60c07afc8dea 2019-06-19 13:11 65 50.15 22 27.33 65.83585 22.45556 GPS 4.2 18 2 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 4.2 4.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 28 384289 R 28 384289 384288 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3197b1dd03d54e4579fc60c07afc8dea 2019-06-19 13:11 65 50.15 22 27.33 65.83585 22.45556 GPS 4.2 18 2 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 4.2 4.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 28 384289 R 28 384289 384288 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3197b1dd03d54e4579fc60c07afc8dea 2019-06-19 13:11 65 50.15 22 27.33 65.83585 22.45556 GPS 4.2 18 2 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 4.2 4.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 28 384289 R 28 384289 384288 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3197b1dd03d54e4579fc60c07afc8dea 2019-06-19 13:11 65 50.15 22 27.33 65.83585 22.45556 GPS 4.2 18 2 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 4.2 4.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0087 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 28 384289 R 28 384289 384288 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3197b1dd03d54e4579fc60c07afc8dea 2019-06-19 13:11 65 50.15 22 27.33 65.83585 22.45556 GPS 4.2 18 2 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 4.2 4.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.2216 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 28 384289 R 28 384289 384288 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3197b1dd03d54e4579fc60c07afc8dea 2019-06-19 13:11 65 50.15 22 27.33 65.83585 22.45556 GPS 4.2 18 2 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 4.2 4.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 28 384289 R 28 384289 384288 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3197b1dd03d54e4579fc60c07afc8dea 2019-06-19 13:11 65 50.15 22 27.33 65.83585 22.45556 GPS 4.2 18 2 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 4.2 4.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 58.7084 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 28 384289 R 28 384289 384288 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3197b1dd03d54e4579fc60c07afc8dea 2019-06-19 13:11 65 50.15 22 27.33 65.83585 22.45556 GPS 4.2 18 2 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 4.2 4.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0851272 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 28 384289 R 28 384289 384288 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3197b1dd03d54e4579fc60c07afc8dea 2019-06-19 13:11 65 50.15 22 27.33 65.83585 22.45556 GPS 4.2 18 2 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 4.2 4.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 2.1683 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 28 384289 R 28 384289 384288 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 3197b1dd03d54e4579fc60c07afc8dea 2019-06-19 13:11 65 50.15 22 27.33 65.83585 22.45556 GPS 4.2 18 2 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 4.2 4.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.29115 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 29 384291 R 29 384291 384290 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 2007085158d25b780818598fd91bce90 2019-06-19 13:33 65 51.25 22 23.35 65.85424 22.38919 GPS 3.2 18 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 29 384291 R 29 384291 384290 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 2007085158d25b780818598fd91bce90 2019-06-19 13:33 65 51.25 22 23.35 65.85424 22.38919 GPS 3.2 18 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 14 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 29 384291 R 29 384291 384290 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 2007085158d25b780818598fd91bce90 2019-06-19 13:33 65 51.25 22 23.35 65.85424 22.38919 GPS 3.2 18 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 29 384291 R 29 384291 384290 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 2007085158d25b780818598fd91bce90 2019-06-19 13:33 65 51.25 22 23.35 65.85424 22.38919 GPS 3.2 18 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.008 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 29 384291 R 29 384291 384290 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 2007085158d25b780818598fd91bce90 2019-06-19 13:33 65 51.25 22 23.35 65.85424 22.38919 GPS 3.2 18 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.6967 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 29 384291 R 29 384291 384290 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 2007085158d25b780818598fd91bce90 2019-06-19 13:33 65 51.25 22 23.35 65.85424 22.38919 GPS 3.2 18 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 39.1389 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 29 384291 R 29 384291 384290 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 2007085158d25b780818598fd91bce90 2019-06-19 13:33 65 51.25 22 23.35 65.85424 22.38919 GPS 3.2 18 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 136.986 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 29 384291 R 29 384291 384290 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 2007085158d25b780818598fd91bce90 2019-06-19 13:33 65 51.25 22 23.35 65.85424 22.38919 GPS 3.2 18 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0782779 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 29 384291 R 29 384291 384290 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 2007085158d25b780818598fd91bce90 2019-06-19 13:33 65 51.25 22 23.35 65.85424 22.38919 GPS 3.2 18 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 6.81703 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 29 384291 R 29 384291 384290 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 2007085158d25b780818598fd91bce90 2019-06-19 13:33 65 51.25 22 23.35 65.85424 22.38919 GPS 3.2 18 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.2 3.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.371622 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 114 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0105 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0069 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 4.978 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria sp. 1007529 129615 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 39.1389 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 1115.46 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria sp. 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.10274 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0675147 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 48.7084 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 30 384295 R 30 384295 384294 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 44c3df6d3558cce72fbd7303b40c1886 2019-06-19 12:49 65 48.97 22 28.65 65.81619 22.47743 GPS 3.1 20 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 3.1 3.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.596675 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyanophthalma obscura 233441 122739 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyanophthalma obscura Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Stagnicola SP 1001337 570705 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Stagnicola Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 17 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 64 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Caenis horaria 225965 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Caenis horaria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Hydroptila SP 1001849 593198 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Hydroptila Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyrnus flavidus 206342 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyrnus flavidus Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 112 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyanophthalma obscura 233441 122739 Wet weight 0.0009 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyanophthalma obscura Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight 0.0241 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 Wet weight 0.0076 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Stagnicola SP 1001337 570705 Wet weight 0.0166 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Stagnicola Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0831 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.1253 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Caenis horaria 225965 Wet weight 0.0028 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Caenis horaria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Hydroptila SP 1001849 593198 Wet weight 0.0023 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Hydroptila Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyrnus flavidus 206342 Wet weight 0.0018 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyrnus flavidus Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.1633 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyanophthalma obscura 233441 122739 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyanophthalma obscura Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Abundance 48.9237 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Stagnicola sp. 1001337 570705 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Stagnicola Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 166.341 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 626.223 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Caenis horaria 225965 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Caenis horaria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Hydroptila sp. 1001849 593198 Abundance 29.3542 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Hydroptila Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyrnus flavidus 206342 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyrnus flavidus Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 1095.89 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyanophthalma obscura 233441 122739 Wet weight/area 0.00880626 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyanophthalma obscura Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight/area 0.235812 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 Wet weight/area 0.074364 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Stagnicola sp. 1001337 570705 Wet weight/area 0.162427 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Stagnicola Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.813112 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 1.22603 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Corophium volutator Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Caenis horaria 225965 Wet weight/area 0.0273973 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Caenis horaria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Hydroptila sp. 1001849 593198 Wet weight/area 0.0225049 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Hydroptila Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyrnus flavidus 206342 Wet weight/area 0.0176125 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyrnus flavidus Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 1.59785 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 31 384297 R 31 384297 384296 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5ac7fa98b882d6670b2fee16bf5c1126 2019-06-19 12:05 65 46.42 22 32.39 65.77374 22.53981 GPS 3.9 20 3 16 9 9 2 Lera med järnutfällningar i grusstorlek i 3.9 3.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 4.56162 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyanophthalma obscura 233441 122739 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyanophthalma obscura Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 18 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Ceratopogonidae 2001301 150940 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Ceratopogonidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyanophthalma obscura 233441 122739 Wet weight 0.0044 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyanophthalma obscura Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0024 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0236 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Ceratopogonidae 2001301 150940 Wet weight 0.0005 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Ceratopogonidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyanophthalma obscura 233441 122739 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyanophthalma obscura Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 176.125 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Ceratopogonidae 2001301 150940 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Ceratopogonidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Cyanophthalma obscura 233441 122739 Wet weight/area 0.0430528 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Cyanophthalma obscura Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0234834 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.23092 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Ceratopogonidae 2001301 150940 Wet weight/area 0.00489237 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Ceratopogonidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 32 384299 R 32 384299 384298 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 7aa3d8b14a471bca329f452315ac2b75 2019-06-19 10:47 65 46.38 22 40.33 65.77295 22.67220 GPS 6.2 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.2 6.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.910187 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium SP 1005133 181554 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 15 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight 0.0038 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium SP 1005133 181554 Wet weight 0.0033 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0078 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0122 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium sp. 1005133 181554 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 39.1389 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 146.771 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Valvata piscinalis 101957 153998 Wet weight/area 0.037182 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Valvata piscinalis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Pisidium sp. 1005133 181554 Wet weight/area 0.0322896 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pisidium Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0763209 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.119374 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 33 384301 R 33 384301 384300 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ff6f2ecee1d517bdd0e76f3c7c3e8a04 2019-06-19 10:55 65 46.62 22 39.13 65.77705 22.65213 GPS 5 24 2 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 5 5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 1.17789 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 Wet weight 0.0031 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0022 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.003 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 Wet weight/area 0.0303327 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0215264 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0293542 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 34 384303 R 34 384303 384302 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 45efd7a448616a4c9431ed04b854063b 2019-06-19 11:06 65 47.35 22 37.92 65.78916 22.63203 GPS 9.9 28 3 16 9 9 2 9.9 9.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.859142 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 35 384305 R 35 384305 384304 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a28ae260e8f6546b74f8baa4eb3d0919 2019-06-19 11:28 65 48.20 22 36.30 65.80337 22.60502 GPS 6.1 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.1 6.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 35 384305 R 35 384305 384304 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a28ae260e8f6546b74f8baa4eb3d0919 2019-06-19 11:28 65 48.20 22 36.30 65.80337 22.60502 GPS 6.1 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.1 6.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 35 384305 R 35 384305 384304 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a28ae260e8f6546b74f8baa4eb3d0919 2019-06-19 11:28 65 48.20 22 36.30 65.80337 22.60502 GPS 6.1 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.1 6.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0003 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 35 384305 R 35 384305 384304 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a28ae260e8f6546b74f8baa4eb3d0919 2019-06-19 11:28 65 48.20 22 36.30 65.80337 22.60502 GPS 6.1 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.1 6.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 35 384305 R 35 384305 384304 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a28ae260e8f6546b74f8baa4eb3d0919 2019-06-19 11:28 65 48.20 22 36.30 65.80337 22.60502 GPS 6.1 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.1 6.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.00293542 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 35 384305 R 35 384305 384304 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a28ae260e8f6546b74f8baa4eb3d0919 2019-06-19 11:28 65 48.20 22 36.30 65.80337 22.60502 GPS 6.1 24 2 16 9 9 1 Gyttja 6.1 6.1 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.0492684 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0023 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0024 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0068 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0225049 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.0234834 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0665362 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 36 384307 R 36 384307 384306 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 522c7bcec7a8077cd3ec6ae0072fad45 2019-06-19 14:10 65 44.12 22 34.50 65.73529 22.57505 GPS 10.6 18 8 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.6 10.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 1.18958 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 37 384309 R 37 384309 384308 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a0392e23c4978eeddfa01e476c6d259f 2019-06-19 12:40 65 43.98 22 43.71 65.73300 22.72849 GPS 7.5 13 4 16 9 9 2 Lera, översta 1cm organiskt material 7.5 7.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 37 384309 R 37 384309 384308 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a0392e23c4978eeddfa01e476c6d259f 2019-06-19 12:40 65 43.98 22 43.71 65.73300 22.72849 GPS 7.5 13 4 16 9 9 2 Lera, översta 1cm organiskt material 7.5 7.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell J Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 37 384309 R 37 384309 384308 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a0392e23c4978eeddfa01e476c6d259f 2019-06-19 12:40 65 43.98 22 43.71 65.73300 22.72849 GPS 7.5 13 4 16 9 9 2 Lera, översta 1cm organiskt material 7.5 7.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0013 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 37 384309 R 37 384309 384308 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a0392e23c4978eeddfa01e476c6d259f 2019-06-19 12:40 65 43.98 22 43.71 65.73300 22.72849 GPS 7.5 13 4 16 9 9 2 Lera, översta 1cm organiskt material 7.5 7.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 29.3542 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 37 384309 R 37 384309 384308 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a0392e23c4978eeddfa01e476c6d259f 2019-06-19 12:40 65 43.98 22 43.71 65.73300 22.72849 GPS 7.5 13 4 16 9 9 2 Lera, översta 1cm organiskt material 7.5 7.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0127202 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 37 384309 R 37 384309 384308 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 a0392e23c4978eeddfa01e476c6d259f 2019-06-19 12:40 65 43.98 22 43.71 65.73300 22.72849 GPS 7.5 13 4 16 9 9 2 Lera, översta 1cm organiskt material 7.5 7.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.111355 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 38 384311 R 38 384311 384310 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 1b3553f3d1b12af0a4d8e9701ed829e2 2019-06-19 12:10 65 42.58 22 44.44 65.70959 22.74073 GPS 14.9 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 14.9 14.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 38 384311 R 38 384311 384310 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 1b3553f3d1b12af0a4d8e9701ed829e2 2019-06-19 12:10 65 42.58 22 44.44 65.70959 22.74073 GPS 14.9 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 14.9 14.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 38 384311 R 38 384311 384310 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 1b3553f3d1b12af0a4d8e9701ed829e2 2019-06-19 12:10 65 42.58 22 44.44 65.70959 22.74073 GPS 14.9 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 14.9 14.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 38 384311 R 38 384311 384310 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 1b3553f3d1b12af0a4d8e9701ed829e2 2019-06-19 12:10 65 42.58 22 44.44 65.70959 22.74073 GPS 14.9 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 14.9 14.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.138 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 38 384311 R 38 384311 384310 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 1b3553f3d1b12af0a4d8e9701ed829e2 2019-06-19 12:10 65 42.58 22 44.44 65.70959 22.74073 GPS 14.9 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 14.9 14.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0041 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 38 384311 R 38 384311 384310 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 1b3553f3d1b12af0a4d8e9701ed829e2 2019-06-19 12:10 65 42.58 22 44.44 65.70959 22.74073 GPS 14.9 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 14.9 14.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria sp. 1007529 129615 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 38 384311 R 38 384311 384310 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 1b3553f3d1b12af0a4d8e9701ed829e2 2019-06-19 12:10 65 42.58 22 44.44 65.70959 22.74073 GPS 14.9 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 14.9 14.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 38 384311 R 38 384311 384310 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 1b3553f3d1b12af0a4d8e9701ed829e2 2019-06-19 12:10 65 42.58 22 44.44 65.70959 22.74073 GPS 14.9 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 14.9 14.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Marenzelleria sp. 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 1.35029 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Marenzelleria Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 38 384311 R 38 384311 384310 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 1b3553f3d1b12af0a4d8e9701ed829e2 2019-06-19 12:10 65 42.58 22 44.44 65.70959 22.74073 GPS 14.9 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 14.9 14.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0401174 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 38 384311 R 38 384311 384310 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 1b3553f3d1b12af0a4d8e9701ed829e2 2019-06-19 12:10 65 42.58 22 44.44 65.70959 22.74073 GPS 14.9 13 4 16 9 9 2 Gyttja 14.9 14.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.647144 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 39 384313 R 39 384313 384312 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ccbffeaf8b8fadf5cce80ec1443b2b02 2019-06-19 09:39 65 40.26 22 36.63 65.67102 22.61047 GPS 11.4 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 11.4 11.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 39 384313 R 39 384313 384312 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ccbffeaf8b8fadf5cce80ec1443b2b02 2019-06-19 09:39 65 40.26 22 36.63 65.67102 22.61047 GPS 11.4 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 11.4 11.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 39 384313 R 39 384313 384312 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ccbffeaf8b8fadf5cce80ec1443b2b02 2019-06-19 09:39 65 40.26 22 36.63 65.67102 22.61047 GPS 11.4 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 11.4 11.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 39 384313 R 39 384313 384312 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ccbffeaf8b8fadf5cce80ec1443b2b02 2019-06-19 09:39 65 40.26 22 36.63 65.67102 22.61047 GPS 11.4 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 11.4 11.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0042 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 39 384313 R 39 384313 384312 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ccbffeaf8b8fadf5cce80ec1443b2b02 2019-06-19 09:39 65 40.26 22 36.63 65.67102 22.61047 GPS 11.4 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 11.4 11.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 39 384313 R 39 384313 384312 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ccbffeaf8b8fadf5cce80ec1443b2b02 2019-06-19 09:39 65 40.26 22 36.63 65.67102 22.61047 GPS 11.4 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 11.4 11.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 39 384313 R 39 384313 384312 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ccbffeaf8b8fadf5cce80ec1443b2b02 2019-06-19 09:39 65 40.26 22 36.63 65.67102 22.61047 GPS 11.4 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 11.4 11.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 39 384313 R 39 384313 384312 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ccbffeaf8b8fadf5cce80ec1443b2b02 2019-06-19 09:39 65 40.26 22 36.63 65.67102 22.61047 GPS 11.4 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 11.4 11.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0410959 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 39 384313 R 39 384313 384312 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ccbffeaf8b8fadf5cce80ec1443b2b02 2019-06-19 09:39 65 40.26 22 36.63 65.67102 22.61047 GPS 11.4 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 11.4 11.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 39 384313 R 39 384313 384312 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 ccbffeaf8b8fadf5cce80ec1443b2b02 2019-06-19 09:39 65 40.26 22 36.63 65.67102 22.61047 GPS 11.4 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 11.4 11.4 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.134211 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 40 384317 R 40 384317 384316 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e2173c669da524d1fe81bcfc60d38451 2019-06-19 10:00 65 41.70 22 35.40 65.69501 22.59007 GPS 13.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja, konglomoratinslag 13.6 13.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 40 384317 R 40 384317 384316 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e2173c669da524d1fe81bcfc60d38451 2019-06-19 10:00 65 41.70 22 35.40 65.69501 22.59007 GPS 13.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja, konglomoratinslag 13.6 13.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 40 384317 R 40 384317 384316 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e2173c669da524d1fe81bcfc60d38451 2019-06-19 10:00 65 41.70 22 35.40 65.69501 22.59007 GPS 13.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja, konglomoratinslag 13.6 13.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 40 384317 R 40 384317 384316 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e2173c669da524d1fe81bcfc60d38451 2019-06-19 10:00 65 41.70 22 35.40 65.69501 22.59007 GPS 13.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja, konglomoratinslag 13.6 13.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0025 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 40 384317 R 40 384317 384316 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e2173c669da524d1fe81bcfc60d38451 2019-06-19 10:00 65 41.70 22 35.40 65.69501 22.59007 GPS 13.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja, konglomoratinslag 13.6 13.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0052 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 40 384317 R 40 384317 384316 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e2173c669da524d1fe81bcfc60d38451 2019-06-19 10:00 65 41.70 22 35.40 65.69501 22.59007 GPS 13.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja, konglomoratinslag 13.6 13.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 40 384317 R 40 384317 384316 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e2173c669da524d1fe81bcfc60d38451 2019-06-19 10:00 65 41.70 22 35.40 65.69501 22.59007 GPS 13.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja, konglomoratinslag 13.6 13.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 29.3542 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 40 384317 R 40 384317 384316 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e2173c669da524d1fe81bcfc60d38451 2019-06-19 10:00 65 41.70 22 35.40 65.69501 22.59007 GPS 13.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja, konglomoratinslag 13.6 13.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0244618 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 40 384317 R 40 384317 384316 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e2173c669da524d1fe81bcfc60d38451 2019-06-19 10:00 65 41.70 22 35.40 65.69501 22.59007 GPS 13.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja, konglomoratinslag 13.6 13.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.0508806 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 40 384317 R 40 384317 384316 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 e2173c669da524d1fe81bcfc60d38451 2019-06-19 10:00 65 41.70 22 35.40 65.69501 22.59007 GPS 13.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja, konglomoratinslag 13.6 13.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 2.40917 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 41 384319 R 41 384319 384318 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 16e510bd2bbd09921bef9a21cba4c49c 2019-06-19 11:47 65 41.21 22 42.34 65.68691 22.70562 GPS 11.6 14 3 16 9 9 2 Grå lerskikt, översta 10cm siltig lera 11.6 11.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 41 384319 R 41 384319 384318 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 16e510bd2bbd09921bef9a21cba4c49c 2019-06-19 11:47 65 41.21 22 42.34 65.68691 22.70562 GPS 11.6 14 3 16 9 9 2 Grå lerskikt, översta 10cm siltig lera 11.6 11.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 41 384319 R 41 384319 384318 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 16e510bd2bbd09921bef9a21cba4c49c 2019-06-19 11:47 65 41.21 22 42.34 65.68691 22.70562 GPS 11.6 14 3 16 9 9 2 Grå lerskikt, översta 10cm siltig lera 11.6 11.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0029 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 41 384319 R 41 384319 384318 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 16e510bd2bbd09921bef9a21cba4c49c 2019-06-19 11:47 65 41.21 22 42.34 65.68691 22.70562 GPS 11.6 14 3 16 9 9 2 Grå lerskikt, översta 10cm siltig lera 11.6 11.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 19.5695 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 41 384319 R 41 384319 384318 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 16e510bd2bbd09921bef9a21cba4c49c 2019-06-19 11:47 65 41.21 22 42.34 65.68691 22.70562 GPS 11.6 14 3 16 9 9 2 Grå lerskikt, översta 10cm siltig lera 11.6 11.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.0283757 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 41 384319 R 41 384319 384318 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 16e510bd2bbd09921bef9a21cba4c49c 2019-06-19 11:47 65 41.21 22 42.34 65.68691 22.70562 GPS 11.6 14 3 16 9 9 2 Grå lerskikt, översta 10cm siltig lera 11.6 11.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 1.27017 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 42 384603 R 42 384603 384602 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 4bbf73a421633e1f31ab1659debc92e6 2019-06-19 12:55 65 45.07 22 42.87 65.75123 22.71453 GPS 10.5 16 4 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.5 10.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight 0.0 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 42 384603 R 42 384603 384602 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 4bbf73a421633e1f31ab1659debc92e6 2019-06-19 12:55 65 45.07 22 42.87 65.75123 22.71453 GPS 10.5 16 4 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.5 10.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell J Leonardsson, K., 2004 N - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 42 384603 R 42 384603 384602 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 4bbf73a421633e1f31ab1659debc92e6 2019-06-19 12:55 65 45.07 22 42.87 65.75123 22.71453 GPS 10.5 16 4 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.5 10.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight/area 0.0 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 42 384603 R 42 384603 384602 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 4bbf73a421633e1f31ab1659debc92e6 2019-06-19 12:55 65 45.07 22 42.87 65.75123 22.71453 GPS 10.5 16 4 16 9 9 2 Lergyttja 10.5 10.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 No species in sample 0 ind Leonardsson, K., 2004 N B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 43 384605 R 43 384605 384604 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 59ccb1565b30ac4bab30b7517e6b5f10 2019-06-19 15:20 65 48.37 22 24.76 65.80614 22.41271 GPS 5.5 18 9 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight 0.0 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 43 384605 R 43 384605 384604 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 59ccb1565b30ac4bab30b7517e6b5f10 2019-06-19 15:20 65 48.37 22 24.76 65.80614 22.41271 GPS 5.5 18 9 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 N - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 43 384605 R 43 384605 384604 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 59ccb1565b30ac4bab30b7517e6b5f10 2019-06-19 15:20 65 48.37 22 24.76 65.80614 22.41271 GPS 5.5 18 9 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight/area 0.0 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 43 384605 R 43 384605 384604 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 59ccb1565b30ac4bab30b7517e6b5f10 2019-06-19 15:20 65 48.37 22 24.76 65.80614 22.41271 GPS 5.5 18 9 16 9 9 3 Gyttjelera 5.5 5.5 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 No species in sample 0 ind Leonardsson, K., 2004 N B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 44 384607 R 44 384607 384606 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 890d1aedf149f4dba2dcab33f0a0ba11 2019-06-19 13:40 65 44.26 22 39.95 65.73767 22.66583 GPS 15 18 6 16 9 9 2 Gyttjelera 15 15 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight 0.0 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 44 384607 R 44 384607 384606 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 890d1aedf149f4dba2dcab33f0a0ba11 2019-06-19 13:40 65 44.26 22 39.95 65.73767 22.66583 GPS 15 18 6 16 9 9 2 Gyttjelera 15 15 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 N - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 44 384607 R 44 384607 384606 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 890d1aedf149f4dba2dcab33f0a0ba11 2019-06-19 13:40 65 44.26 22 39.95 65.73767 22.66583 GPS 15 18 6 16 9 9 2 Gyttjelera 15 15 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight/area 0.0 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 44 384607 R 44 384607 384606 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 890d1aedf149f4dba2dcab33f0a0ba11 2019-06-19 13:40 65 44.26 22 39.95 65.73767 22.66583 GPS 15 18 6 16 9 9 2 Gyttjelera 15 15 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 No species in sample 0 ind Leonardsson, K., 2004 N B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 45 384321 R 45 384321 384320 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6ff0449311dac6e9d212a1ac6e1ee962 2019-06-19 11:42 65 47.29 22 34.31 65.78812 22.57177 GPS 6.8 24 3 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 6.8 6.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 45 384321 R 45 384321 384320 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6ff0449311dac6e9d212a1ac6e1ee962 2019-06-19 11:42 65 47.29 22 34.31 65.78812 22.57177 GPS 6.8 24 3 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 6.8 6.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 45 384321 R 45 384321 384320 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6ff0449311dac6e9d212a1ac6e1ee962 2019-06-19 11:42 65 47.29 22 34.31 65.78812 22.57177 GPS 6.8 24 3 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 6.8 6.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 45 384321 R 45 384321 384320 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6ff0449311dac6e9d212a1ac6e1ee962 2019-06-19 11:42 65 47.29 22 34.31 65.78812 22.57177 GPS 6.8 24 3 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 6.8 6.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 Wet weight 0.0065 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 45 384321 R 45 384321 384320 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6ff0449311dac6e9d212a1ac6e1ee962 2019-06-19 11:42 65 47.29 22 34.31 65.78812 22.57177 GPS 6.8 24 3 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 6.8 6.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0037 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 45 384321 R 45 384321 384320 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6ff0449311dac6e9d212a1ac6e1ee962 2019-06-19 11:42 65 47.29 22 34.31 65.78812 22.57177 GPS 6.8 24 3 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 6.8 6.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 45 384321 R 45 384321 384320 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6ff0449311dac6e9d212a1ac6e1ee962 2019-06-19 11:42 65 47.29 22 34.31 65.78812 22.57177 GPS 6.8 24 3 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 6.8 6.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 58.7084 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 45 384321 R 45 384321 384320 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6ff0449311dac6e9d212a1ac6e1ee962 2019-06-19 11:42 65 47.29 22 34.31 65.78812 22.57177 GPS 6.8 24 3 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 6.8 6.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Bithynia tentaculata 106653 182699 Wet weight/area 0.0636008 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Bithynia tentaculata Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 45 384321 R 45 384321 384320 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6ff0449311dac6e9d212a1ac6e1ee962 2019-06-19 11:42 65 47.29 22 34.31 65.78812 22.57177 GPS 6.8 24 3 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 6.8 6.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0362035 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 45 384321 R 45 384321 384320 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 6ff0449311dac6e9d212a1ac6e1ee962 2019-06-19 11:42 65 47.29 22 34.31 65.78812 22.57177 GPS 6.8 24 3 16 9 9 2 Lerig silt 6.8 6.8 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.630383 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 46 384323 R 46 384323 384322 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5092862918e9b2151b9c3209b741ca1b 2019-06-19 08:55 65 45.69 22 21.18 65.76158 22.35300 GPS 6.7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 6.7 6.7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 46 384323 R 46 384323 384322 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5092862918e9b2151b9c3209b741ca1b 2019-06-19 08:55 65 45.69 22 21.18 65.76158 22.35300 GPS 6.7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 6.7 6.7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 46 384323 R 46 384323 384322 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5092862918e9b2151b9c3209b741ca1b 2019-06-19 08:55 65 45.69 22 21.18 65.76158 22.35300 GPS 6.7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 6.7 6.7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 46 384323 R 46 384323 384322 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5092862918e9b2151b9c3209b741ca1b 2019-06-19 08:55 65 45.69 22 21.18 65.76158 22.35300 GPS 6.7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 6.7 6.7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0253 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 46 384323 R 46 384323 384322 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5092862918e9b2151b9c3209b741ca1b 2019-06-19 08:55 65 45.69 22 21.18 65.76158 22.35300 GPS 6.7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 6.7 6.7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0115 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 46 384323 R 46 384323 384322 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5092862918e9b2151b9c3209b741ca1b 2019-06-19 08:55 65 45.69 22 21.18 65.76158 22.35300 GPS 6.7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 6.7 6.7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 29.3542 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 46 384323 R 46 384323 384322 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5092862918e9b2151b9c3209b741ca1b 2019-06-19 08:55 65 45.69 22 21.18 65.76158 22.35300 GPS 6.7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 6.7 6.7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 29.3542 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 46 384323 R 46 384323 384322 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5092862918e9b2151b9c3209b741ca1b 2019-06-19 08:55 65 45.69 22 21.18 65.76158 22.35300 GPS 6.7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 6.7 6.7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.247554 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 46 384323 R 46 384323 384322 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5092862918e9b2151b9c3209b741ca1b 2019-06-19 08:55 65 45.69 22 21.18 65.76158 22.35300 GPS 6.7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 6.7 6.7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.112524 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 46 384323 R 46 384323 384322 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 5092862918e9b2151b9c3209b741ca1b 2019-06-19 08:55 65 45.69 22 21.18 65.76158 22.35300 GPS 6.7 0 0 16 9 9 0 Gyttja 6.7 6.7 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.257671 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 47 384325 R 47 384325 384324 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 28cac30e89d8d5e67ba87714ac602ec2 2019-06-19 10:00 65 44.92 22 30.90 65.74871 22.51508 GPS 12.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 12.6 12.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 47 384325 R 47 384325 384324 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 28cac30e89d8d5e67ba87714ac602ec2 2019-06-19 10:00 65 44.92 22 30.90 65.74871 22.51508 GPS 12.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 12.6 12.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 47 384325 R 47 384325 384324 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 28cac30e89d8d5e67ba87714ac602ec2 2019-06-19 10:00 65 44.92 22 30.90 65.74871 22.51508 GPS 12.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 12.6 12.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0031 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 47 384325 R 47 384325 384324 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 28cac30e89d8d5e67ba87714ac602ec2 2019-06-19 10:00 65 44.92 22 30.90 65.74871 22.51508 GPS 12.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 12.6 12.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 47 384325 R 47 384325 384324 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 28cac30e89d8d5e67ba87714ac602ec2 2019-06-19 10:00 65 44.92 22 30.90 65.74871 22.51508 GPS 12.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 12.6 12.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.0303327 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 47 384325 R 47 384325 384324 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 28cac30e89d8d5e67ba87714ac602ec2 2019-06-19 10:00 65 44.92 22 30.90 65.74871 22.51508 GPS 12.6 0 0 16 9 9 0 Lergyttja 12.6 12.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.739026 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 48 384327 R 48 384327 384326 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 9d314bfcf15d397ce56912489bd54f42 2019-06-19 14:40 65 44.78 22 25.03 65.74631 22.41723 GPS 9.2 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja 9.2 9.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 48 384327 R 48 384327 384326 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 9d314bfcf15d397ce56912489bd54f42 2019-06-19 14:40 65 44.78 22 25.03 65.74631 22.41723 GPS 9.2 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja 9.2 9.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 48 384327 R 48 384327 384326 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 9d314bfcf15d397ce56912489bd54f42 2019-06-19 14:40 65 44.78 22 25.03 65.74631 22.41723 GPS 9.2 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja 9.2 9.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0009 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 48 384327 R 48 384327 384326 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 9d314bfcf15d397ce56912489bd54f42 2019-06-19 14:40 65 44.78 22 25.03 65.74631 22.41723 GPS 9.2 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja 9.2 9.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 48 384327 R 48 384327 384326 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 9d314bfcf15d397ce56912489bd54f42 2019-06-19 14:40 65 44.78 22 25.03 65.74631 22.41723 GPS 9.2 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja 9.2 9.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.00880626 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 48 384327 R 48 384327 384326 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 9d314bfcf15d397ce56912489bd54f42 2019-06-19 14:40 65 44.78 22 25.03 65.74631 22.41723 GPS 9.2 18 9 16 9 9 3 Lergyttja 9.2 9.2 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 0.0492684 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 49 384609 R 49 384609 384608 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fdb13b6b0c495c84936ade3464297d55 2019-06-19 10:47 65 40.95 22 40.90 65.68249 22.68164 GPS 25.3 12 2 16 9 9 2 Sandig grovlera 25.3 25.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight 0.0 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 49 384609 R 49 384609 384608 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fdb13b6b0c495c84936ade3464297d55 2019-06-19 10:47 65 40.95 22 40.90 65.68249 22.68164 GPS 25.3 12 2 16 9 9 2 Sandig grovlera 25.3 25.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 N - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 49 384609 R 49 384609 384608 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fdb13b6b0c495c84936ade3464297d55 2019-06-19 10:47 65 40.95 22 40.90 65.68249 22.68164 GPS 25.3 12 2 16 9 9 2 Sandig grovlera 25.3 25.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight/area 0.0 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 49 384609 R 49 384609 384608 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 fdb13b6b0c495c84936ade3464297d55 2019-06-19 10:47 65 40.95 22 40.90 65.68249 22.68164 GPS 25.3 12 2 16 9 9 2 Sandig grovlera 25.3 25.3 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 No species in sample 0 ind Leonardsson, K., 2004 N B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0023 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0232 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0014 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 39.1389 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 9.78474 ind/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.0225049 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Oligochaeta Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.227006 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Monoporeia affinis Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.0136986 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Chironomidae Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 50 384331 R 50 384331 384330 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 017b2cb843c01f262e46371d7ea26fec 2019-06-19 10:18 65 45.75 22 35.36 65.76253 22.58930 GPS 11.9 24 1 16 9 9 1 Gyttjelera 11.9 11.9 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 BQIm 3.35983 index/sample Y Leonardsson, K., 2004 Y B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 51 384611 R 51 384611 384610 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 dda9b01c55a4c680ac292f51a53dc9a2 2019-06-19 14:55 65 46.20 22 25.63 65.77002 22.42709 GPS 8.6 18 9 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 8.6 8.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight 0.0 g/analysed sample fraction Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Y 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 51 384611 R 51 384611 384610 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 dda9b01c55a4c680ac292f51a53dc9a2 2019-06-19 14:55 65 46.20 22 25.63 65.77002 22.42709 GPS 8.6 18 9 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 8.6 8.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 H2S smell N Leonardsson, K., 2004 N - B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 51 384611 R 51 384611 384610 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 dda9b01c55a4c680ac292f51a53dc9a2 2019-06-19 14:55 65 46.20 22 25.63 65.77002 22.42709 GPS 8.6 18 9 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 8.6 8.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 Wet weight/area 0.0 g wet weight/m2 Y Rickard Degerman Leonardsson, K., 2004 N Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes 2019-10-11 ETH 1000 B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2019 06 R 51 384611 R 51 384611 384610 SEAmBOTH County Administrative Board of Norrbotten 7799 dda9b01c55a4c680ac292f51a53dc9a2 2019-06-19 14:55 65 46.20 22 25.63 65.77002 22.42709 GPS 8.6 18 9 16 9 9 3 Gyttja 8.6 8.6 Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Yes VV 1022 No species in sample 0 ind Leonardsson, K., 2004 N B B PROJ Pelagia Environmental consulting AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2019_PELA_BDLST