delivery_datatype check_status_sv data_checked_by_sv visit_year visit_month station_name reported_station_name sample_location_id station_id station_cluster sample_project_name_en sample_orderer_name_en platform_code visit_id shark_sample_id_md5 sample_date sample_time sample_latitude_dm sample_longitude_dm sample_latitude_dd sample_longitude_dd positioning_system_code water_depth_m wind_direction_code wind_speed_ms air_temperature_degc air_pressure_hpa weather_observation_code cloud_observation_code wave_observation_code wave_height_m ice_observation_code secchi_depth_m secchi_depth_quality_flag visit_comment sediment_type sample_id sample_min_depth_m sample_max_depth_m sampling_laboratory_name_en sampling_laboratory_accreditated sampler_type_code sampled_volume_l sampler_area_cm2 oxidized_layer_cm sample_comment scientific_name species_flag_code dyntaxa_id aphia_id parameter value unit quality_flag calc_by_dc dev_stage_code sample_part_id taxonomist method_documentation method_reference_code fauna_flora_found factors_influencing_code variable_comment analytical_laboratory_name_en analytical_laboratory_accreditated analysed_by analysis_date preservation_method_code upper_mesh_size_um lower_mesh_size_um number_of_portions counted_portions sample_part_min_cm sample_part_max_cm station_viss_eu_id water_land_station_type_code monitoring_station_type_code monitoring_purpose_code monitoring_program_code reported_scientific_name reported_parameter reported_value reported_unit reporting_institute_name_en data_holding_centre internet_access dataset_name Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 54 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 231 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 H2S smell Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.3181 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 1.3395 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 2.9084 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0032 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 540.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 2310.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 3.181 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 13.395 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 29.084 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.032 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K398 K398 157682 265286 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 81027fa2f0e792641725da5be0681744 2021-06-03 09:20:00 61 08.61 17 16.76 61.14353 17.27932 GPS 40 1 Gyttja 40 40 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1153 BQIm 8.84502 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 14 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 97 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 14 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 H2S smell N SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.1182 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.7555 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.0025 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 4.8782 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 140.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 970.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 140.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 1.182 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 7.555 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 0.025 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 48.782 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K406 K406 393737 393736 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 10fa16448aacde070990db41c9e7d702 2021-06-03 10:15:00 61 11.46 17 13.44 61.19108 17.22398 GPS 29.5 1 Silt, sand 29.5 29.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1154 BQIm 8.56372 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 27 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 H2S smell N SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0601 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0065 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.0054 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 12.0135 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 60.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 270.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.601 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.065 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 0.054 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 120.135 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K407 K407 183101 266137 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6f0be5b03c6b4d97a5d756d8c866b2ee 2021-06-03 09:45:00 61 10.10 17 14.04 61.16839 17.23399 GPS 31 1 Silt 31 31 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1155 BQIm 3.57806 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 34 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 231 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 10 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 H2S smell N SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.1741 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 1.6099 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.002 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 3.213 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0005 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 340.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 2310.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 100.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 1.741 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 16.099 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 0.02 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 32.13 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.005 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K408 K408 183102 266138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0b0badfae3334df0b1ce51c852beaaca 2021-06-03 08:45:00 61 10.16 17 16.40 61.16933 17.27332 GPS 41 1 Gyttja, sand 41 41 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 5 1000 Medins ProvID:1156 BQIm 10.1987 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 116 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 30 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 H2S smell N SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0671 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.9237 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 12.1559 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 1160.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 300.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.671 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 9.237 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 121.559 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K409 K409 183103 266139 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 682318fd192e2383ac669599430aaf08 2021-06-03 08:20:00 61 11.27 17 15.97 61.18778 17.26609 GPS 32 1 Lera 32 32 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1157 BQIm 7.47656 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 13 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 74 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 22 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 46 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 H2S smell N SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.076 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.1121 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.542 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0132 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 5.3289 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 1.2963 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 130.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 740.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 220.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 460.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.76 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 1.121 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 5.42 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.132 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 53.289 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 12.963 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K401 K401 183098 266134 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 feda3d8b54948e384658ffd97c348af1 2021-06-03 12:35:00 61 13.20 17 10.39 61.22006 17.17310 GPS 8 2 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1158 BQIm 7.35491 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 17 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 25 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 61 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 H2S smell Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.041 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0896 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.2235 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.8168 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Wet weight 0.0077 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0388 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 7.2012 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.005 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 170.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 250.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 610.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.41 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.896 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 2.235 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 8.168 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Wet weight/area 0.077 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.388 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 72.012 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.05 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K402 K402 393739 393738 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 ea83b8c1b45a8fc66071423889fd5802 2021-06-03 11:30:00 61 12.33 17 09.09 61.20548 17.15158 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, silt 9 9 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1159 BQIm 7.44622 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 18 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 50 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 14 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 24 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 H2S smell Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.4291 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.4682 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 1.4178 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.085 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 8.5637 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0014 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 180.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 500.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 140.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 240.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 4.291 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 4.682 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 14.178 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.85 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 85.637 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.014 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K403 K403 183099 266135 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0e0062d4bab15d062329e806959bc3ea 2021-06-03 12:20:00 61 12.50 17 09.99 61.20828 17.16650 GPS 13.5 2 Gyttja, silt 13.5 13.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1160 BQIm 8.31136 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Gammarus SP 1009327 101537 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Gammarus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 28 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 20 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 H2S smell Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0087 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Gammarus SP 1009327 101537 Wet weight 0.0397 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Gammarus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0271 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.5002 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.008 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 12.4343 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0402 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0505 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Gammarus SP 1009327 101537 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Gammarus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 280.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 200.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.087 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Gammarus SP 1009327 101537 Wet weight/area 0.397 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Gammarus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.271 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 5.002 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.08 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 124.343 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.402 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.505 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K404 K404 183100 266136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 407a4ae191e1339a6db8497976defee8 2021-06-03 12:55:00 61 12.42 17 11.26 61.20700 17.18772 GPS 19 2 Gyttja 19 19 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1161 BQIm 4.01636 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 19 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 81 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 10 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Chaoboridae 2001297 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chaoboridae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 H2S smell Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.2478 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.8215 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 1.6846 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0015 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 5.3029 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Chaoboridae 2001297 Wet weight 0.0037 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chaoboridae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0019 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 190.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 810.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 100.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 110.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Chaoboridae 2001297 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chaoboridae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 2.478 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 8.215 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 16.846 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.015 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 53.029 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Chaoboridae 2001297 Wet weight/area 0.037 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chaoboridae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.019 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K420 384357 K420 384357 384356 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 44e3ca7a1a1f59e78efe285bbeb60a0f 2021-06-03 11:20:00 61 11.97 17 10.90 61.19954 17.18159 GPS 18.5 2 Gyttja 18.5 18.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1162 BQIm 10.196 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 12 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 36 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 86 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 H2S smell N SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.1806 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0052 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0615 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0225 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 3.817 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 2.1774 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 120.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 360.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 110.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 860.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 1.806 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.052 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.615 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.225 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 38.17 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 21.774 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K342 K342 157061 264680 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 0c1bb66b6a40846af0b87e01af6da3a1 2021-06-04 08:00:00 61 17.45 17 08.49 61.29081 17.14158 GPS 6.5 1 Gyttja 6.5 6.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1163 BQIm 4.31273 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 38 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 44 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 38 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 32 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 133 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 H2S smell N SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.5606 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0334 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.2222 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.3313 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 15.2575 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 3.0791 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0109 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 380.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 440.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 380.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 320.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 1330.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 5.606 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.334 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 2.222 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 3.313 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 152.575 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 30.791 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.109 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K348 K348 157152 264768 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 6c6dc4ac9575da3a5f6d4cd6111a6fee 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 18.10 17 07.40 61.30166 17.12336 GPS 5 1 Gyttja 5 5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1164 BQIm 4.71818 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 84 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 22 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 13 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet H2S smell N SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - SE679655-157300 B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.1238 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0086 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.3483 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0137 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 6.8203 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.2268 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0026 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 840.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 220.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 130.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 1.238 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.086 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 3.483 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.137 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 68.203 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 2.268 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.026 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-10 ETH 1000 SE679655-157300 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K336 / G K351 159416 188695 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 9e413fbd7e17e2469213c06ae39d03d6 2021-06-04 08:30:00 61 16.70 17 09.84 61.27840 17.16405 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1165. Plast i provet BQIm 9.88573 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y SE679655-157300 B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 10 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 89 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 17 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Ampullaceana balthica 106629 1288085 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Radix balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 36 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 H2S smell Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.3159 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0742 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.3461 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.3577 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Wet weight 0.0077 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.1396 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Ampullaceana balthica 106629 1288085 Wet weight 0.0085 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Radix balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 8.6281 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0687 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0008 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 90.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 100.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 890.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 170.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Ampullaceana balthica 106629 1288085 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Radix balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 360.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 80.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 3.159 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.742 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 3.461 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 3.577 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Wet weight/area 0.077 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 1.396 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Ampullaceana balthica 106629 1288085 Wet weight/area 0.085 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Radix balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 86.281 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.687 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.008 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-12 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K421 K421 156806 264433 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 158089da8648dec4826a88147c511027 2021-06-04 08:15:00 61 16.97 17 09.25 61.28287 17.15422 GPS 5.5 1 Gyttja 5.5 5.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1166 BQIm 10.9346 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 27 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 15 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 32 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet H2S smell Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.6023 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0796 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 6.8124 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0015 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 270.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 150.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 320.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 6.023 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.796 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 68.124 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.015 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K422 384355 K422 384355 384354 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 2b3b211fa09047017757a1146db2979f 2021-06-04 07:30:00 61 18.36 17 06.86 61.30593 17.11436 GPS 3.5 1 Gyttja 3.5 3.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1167. Olja i provet BQIm 3.89676 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 172 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 28 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 H2S smell Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0168 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.04 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0244 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 4.0488 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0478 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 1720.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 280.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.168 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.4 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.244 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 40.488 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.478 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-14 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K340 K340 156950 264570 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 f5accffd0041dc8d69c702fa51c38ee2 2021-06-04 10:00:00 61 15.39 17 12.15 61.25654 17.20255 GPS 8 1 Gyttja 8 8 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1168 BQIm 1.08077 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 32 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 H2S smell Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0023 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.3798 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.4878 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0063 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 320.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.023 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 3.798 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 4.878 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.063 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.1 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K344 K344 157002 264622 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 410f9c4f70dae65cee017d255fae8e43 2021-06-04 10:20:00 61 16.07 17 11.62 61.26785 17.19372 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1169 BQIm 8.55966 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 40 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 36 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 H2S smell N SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0481 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.3392 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.0196 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 11.3925 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0012 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 400.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 360.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.481 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 3.392 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 0.196 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 113.925 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.012 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-19 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K346 K346 157432 265042 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 694c54b1893cde6a000b7e74340d6dc4 2021-06-04 09:20:00 61 15.59 17 16.30 61.25983 17.27169 GPS 24.5 1 Sand, grus 24.5 24.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 3 1000 Medins ProvID:1170 BQIm 7.18169 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 14 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 29 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 H2S smell Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.005 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.1368 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.0813 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 3.6302 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.6482 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0286 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 140.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 60.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 290.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 110.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.05 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 1.368 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 0.813 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 36.302 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 6.482 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.286 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-18 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K352 K352 183097 266133 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 7a6555e977e526f679fa52fbd3b23f2e 2021-06-04 09:00:00 61 16.29 17 13.28 61.27157 17.22126 GPS 12.5 1 Gyttja 12.5 12.5 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1171 BQIm 3.73558 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 # counted 31 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 52 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 25 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 18 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 H2S smell Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y - B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.0014 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.3319 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0016 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.5004 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.2882 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 8.1684 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0893 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0269 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Abundance 310.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 520.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 250.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 180.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 0.014 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Marenzelleria SP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 3.319 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.016 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 5.004 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 2.882 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 81.684 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.893 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.269 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner SS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-01-11 ETH 1000 B Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 K353 K353 157439 265048 Coordinated recipient monitoring of S Hälsingland Ljusnan-Voxnan Coalition of Water Conservation ZZ99 bba9655d82a6255dd5d0ccf44ea991fd 2021-06-04 09:45:00 61 15.09 17 16.16 61.25144 17.26934 GPS 20 1 Gyttja 20 20 SGS Analytics Sweden Y VV 22 1000 Medins ProvID:1172 BQIm 7.73005 index/sample Y SS-EN ISO 16665 Y B MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_LVVVF