delivery_datatype check_status_sv data_checked_by_sv visit_year visit_month station_name reported_station_name sample_location_id station_id station_cluster sample_project_name_en sample_orderer_name_en platform_code visit_id shark_sample_id_md5 sample_date sample_time sample_latitude_dm sample_longitude_dm sample_latitude_dd sample_longitude_dd positioning_system_code water_depth_m wind_direction_code wind_speed_ms air_temperature_degc air_pressure_hpa weather_observation_code cloud_observation_code wave_observation_code wave_height_m ice_observation_code secchi_depth_m secchi_depth_quality_flag visit_comment sediment_type sample_id sample_min_depth_m sample_max_depth_m sampling_laboratory_name_en sampling_laboratory_accreditated sampler_type_code sampled_volume_l sampler_area_cm2 oxidized_layer_cm sample_comment scientific_name species_flag_code dyntaxa_id aphia_id parameter value unit quality_flag calc_by_dc dev_stage_code sample_part_id taxonomist method_documentation method_reference_code fauna_flora_found factors_influencing_code variable_comment analytical_laboratory_name_en analytical_laboratory_accreditated analysed_by analysis_date preservation_method_code upper_mesh_size_um lower_mesh_size_um number_of_portions counted_portions sample_part_min_cm sample_part_max_cm station_viss_eu_id water_land_station_type_code monitoring_station_type_code monitoring_purpose_code monitoring_program_code reported_scientific_name reported_parameter reported_value reported_unit reporting_institute_name_en data_holding_centre internet_access dataset_name Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 15 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 107 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0028 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 1.7812 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 2.297 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0049 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 150.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 1070.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.028 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 17.812 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 22.97 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.049 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF1 387137 MF1 387137 387136 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 2a9abe750362a41cc22d2daba039b460 2021-06-07 10:45:00 58 26.32 16 37.12 58.43871 16.61875 GPS 6.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 6.7 6.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1212 BQIm 1.03257 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 192 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.1611 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0022 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0116 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 1.4153 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 3.769 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0115 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 1920.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 80.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 1.611 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.022 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.116 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 14.153 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 37.69 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.115 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-15 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF2 387139 MF2 387139 387138 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d3c7fe27cd50bb5029afbec3015be908 2021-06-07 11:00:00 58 25.44 16 37.60 58.42394 16.62660 GPS 5.4 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.4 5.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1213 BQIm 1.07125 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.001 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 0.0071 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.127 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0009 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.01 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 0.071 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 1.27 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.009 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF3 387141 MF3 387141 387140 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ef2fdfdc5a11b3e49efd2f6c505ff7c5 2021-06-07 13:15:00 58 26.27 16 38.58 58.43786 16.64294 GPS 18.5 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 18.5 18.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1214 BQIm 0.873713 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 57 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 19 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0054 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 1.4533 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0306 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 570.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 190.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.054 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 14.533 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.306 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF4 387143 MF4 387143 387142 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6bd7a5910442785863b989b4f8257e24 2021-06-07 13:25:00 58 26.50 16 37.78 58.44158 16.62965 GPS 11.3 1 Växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 11.3 11.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1215 BQIm 0.594718 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 97 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.0105 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0009 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 0.014 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 1.8385 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0086 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 970.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 0.105 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.009 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 0.14 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 18.385 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.086 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-16 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MF5 387145 MF5 387145 387144 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu e51b3a7e2240c9d0c16fed50c0ecb273 2021-06-07 12:50:00 58 26.12 16 39.19 58.43525 16.65323 GPS 13.3 1 Mycket växtmaterial Gyttja, lera, silt 13.3 13.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1216 BQIm 0.910159 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 13 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 18 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 154 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.8157 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.2681 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0157 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight 2.7651 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 13.3446 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 0.0144 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 130.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 180.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1540.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 8.157 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 2.681 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.157 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight/area 27.651 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 133.446 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight/area 0.144 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF35 387155 TF35 387155 387154 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 63135f1120d74b52f25cf9cb12007e14 2021-06-07 11:35:00 58 25.27 16 42.61 58.42112 16.71017 GPS 7.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1217 BQIm 4.24705 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 41 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 99 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 1.328 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.0269 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.5 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.015 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 18.9346 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 0.0402 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 410.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 990.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 13.28 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 0.269 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 5.0 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.15 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 189.346 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight/area 0.402 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF31 387153 TF31 387153 387152 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4472ff5db70987dfe19a5b6d29bc8f5d 2021-06-07 12:00:00 58 24.74 16 45.40 58.41242 16.75662 GPS 8.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 8.9 8.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1218 BQIm 4.39229 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 36 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 160 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.3219 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.8076 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 1.3514 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0084 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 17.1202 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 0.0018 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0206 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0005 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 360.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1600.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 3.219 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 8.076 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 13.514 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.084 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 171.202 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight/area 0.018 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.206 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.005 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF22 387149 TF22 387149 387148 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu b7a8c73d7e613a9ab6af5adf0b4f6add 2021-06-07 11:20:00 58 25.14 16 41.47 58.41900 16.69109 GPS 7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 7 7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1219 BQIm 4.75784 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 44 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.0073 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.0082 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0594 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0066 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 13.2034 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0584 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0008 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 440.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 0.073 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 0.082 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.594 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.066 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 132.034 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.584 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.008 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF10 387147 TF10 387147 387146 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 18e939684144cc1ad3dc7769f782bc27 2021-06-07 12:15:00 58 23.14 16 45.91 58.38564 16.76512 GPS 12.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 12.7 12.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1220 BQIm 4.17679 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 28 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 114 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.0241 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.3005 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.3383 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0063 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0024 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 24.8026 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 280.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1140.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 0.241 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 3.005 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 3.383 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.063 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.024 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 248.026 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 TF25 387151 TF25 387151 387150 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6ab35845f06403ba5b780565ba27be1a 2021-06-07 12:30:00 58 24.28 16 43.73 58.40462 16.72877 GPS 9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 9 9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1221 BQIm 4.33596 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 14 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 19 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.5439 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0053 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 0.5051 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.4939 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0074 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 80.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 140.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 190.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 5.439 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.053 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 5.051 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 4.939 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.074 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-21 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS1 387111 IS1 387111 387110 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8484230b9ac31a35261aafac602a2810 2021-06-07 15:10:00 58 28.90 16 26.19 58.48174 16.43657 GPS 7.5 1 Gyttja, lera 7.5 7.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1222 BQIm 2.28956 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 97 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 1.0739 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 2.5741 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 970.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 60.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 10.739 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 25.741 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.1 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS2 387113 IS2 387113 387112 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d3f401bd1fe177f70c3e29b1d9383bd 2021-06-07 14:55:00 58 28.79 16 29.29 58.47984 16.48817 GPS 13 1 Gyttja, lera 13 13 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1223 BQIm 0.640028 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS3 IS3 157225 264840 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 634226363a2d00afee601a85a5db33c8 2021-06-07 14:40:00 58 27.66 16 30.47 58.46097 16.50776 GPS 24.9 1 Gyttja 24.9 24.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1224 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS3 IS3 157225 264840 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 634226363a2d00afee601a85a5db33c8 2021-06-07 14:40:00 58 27.66 16 30.47 58.46097 16.50776 GPS 24.9 1 Gyttja 24.9 24.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1224 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS3 IS3 157225 264840 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 634226363a2d00afee601a85a5db33c8 2021-06-07 14:40:00 58 27.66 16 30.47 58.46097 16.50776 GPS 24.9 1 Gyttja 24.9 24.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1224 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0068 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS3 IS3 157225 264840 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 634226363a2d00afee601a85a5db33c8 2021-06-07 14:40:00 58 27.66 16 30.47 58.46097 16.50776 GPS 24.9 1 Gyttja 24.9 24.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1224 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS3 IS3 157225 264840 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 634226363a2d00afee601a85a5db33c8 2021-06-07 14:40:00 58 27.66 16 30.47 58.46097 16.50776 GPS 24.9 1 Gyttja 24.9 24.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1224 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.068 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-17 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS3 IS3 157225 264840 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 634226363a2d00afee601a85a5db33c8 2021-06-07 14:40:00 58 27.66 16 30.47 58.46097 16.50776 GPS 24.9 1 Gyttja 24.9 24.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1224 BQIm 0.430043 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS4 IS4 156827 264454 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ffd5076ff5b4f3d10ddee0b86a84356c 2021-06-07 14:00:00 58 26.90 16 33.47 58.44834 16.55781 GPS 30.5 1 svart gyttja, kvar i sållet var svarta trådar Gyttja 30.5 30.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1225. Inga djur, svart och oljeluktande, många växtrester H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 N - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS4 IS4 156827 264454 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ffd5076ff5b4f3d10ddee0b86a84356c 2021-06-07 14:00:00 58 26.90 16 33.47 58.44834 16.55781 GPS 30.5 1 svart gyttja, kvar i sållet var svarta trådar Gyttja 30.5 30.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1225. Inga djur, svart och oljeluktande, många växtrester No species in sample 0 ind NS-EN ISO 16665 N RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Laonome xeprovala 6021655 1299379 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Laonome xeprovala MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 20 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 83 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Gammarus salinus 233489 102292 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus salinus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Jaera SP 1009339 118364 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Jaera MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 210 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.8631 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Laonome xeprovala 6021655 1299379 Wet weight 0.0062 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Laonome xeprovala MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.3336 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.9392 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Gammarus salinus 233489 102292 Wet weight 0.0667 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus salinus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Jaera SP 1009339 118364 Wet weight 0.0027 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Jaera MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 1.2798 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 13.5397 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Laonome xeprovala 6021655 1299379 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Laonome xeprovala MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 200.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 830.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Gammarus salinus 233489 102292 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus salinus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Jaera SP 1009339 118364 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Jaera MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 2100.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 8.631 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Laonome xeprovala 6021655 1299379 Wet weight/area 0.062 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Laonome xeprovala MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 3.336 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 9.392 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Gammarus salinus 233489 102292 Wet weight/area 0.667 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus salinus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Jaera SP 1009339 118364 Wet weight/area 0.027 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Jaera MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 12.798 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 135.397 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-18 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IS5 387115 IS5 387115 387114 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 089ef38cb11d11d851a2223abcfe843e 2021-06-07 13:40:00 58 26.59 16 35.09 58.44310 16.58479 GPS 15.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 15.8 15.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1226 BQIm 6.06369 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 13 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 79 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.086 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.6359 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.4347 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 10.7003 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 0.0155 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 130.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 790.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 0.86 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 6.359 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 4.347 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 107.003 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight/area 0.155 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB1 387093 IB1 387093 387092 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu ecda783dc563102fb3b4e5639beb8675 2021-06-08 18:25:00 58 39.16 16 17.21 58.65267 16.28681 GPS 4.7 1 Lera, silt 4.7 4.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1227 BQIm 3.99687 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 120 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.72 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0051 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0013 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 13.7596 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 110.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1200.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 7.2 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.051 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.013 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 137.596 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB2 387095 IB2 387095 387094 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3ce1082f18378c17a7cf06c705e5107b 2021-06-08 18:40:00 58 37.76 16 19.03 58.62932 16.31723 GPS 13.9 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 13.9 13.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1228 BQIm 3.9507 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 22 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 130 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.2176 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.8134 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0194 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight 3.535 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 16.0081 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 0.0008 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Wet weight 0.0259 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 220.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1300.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 2.176 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 8.134 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.194 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight/area 35.35 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 160.081 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight/area 0.008 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Wet weight/area 0.259 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB3 387097 IB3 387097 387096 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9c054e6df8f2484859ba12c3a48d1a66 2021-06-08 18:05:00 58 39.01 16 21.28 58.65024 16.35462 GPS 8.1 1 Lera, silt 8.1 8.1 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1229 BQIm 4.5435 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 12 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 170 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 1.215 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0026 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 26.1412 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 0.0024 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 120.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1700.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 12.15 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.026 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 261.412 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight/area 0.024 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB4 387099 IB4 387099 387098 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c2ac15aada9984401bc8d2209d599158 2021-06-08 17:50:00 58 38.54 16 23.62 58.64234 16.39369 GPS 18.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 18.3 18.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1230 BQIm 3.9363 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 244 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.0656 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.0139 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.047 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0105 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 23.5262 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 2440.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 0.656 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 0.139 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.47 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.105 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 235.262 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IB5 387101 IB5 387101 387100 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 68bbee4ab20154403214f32217649cd7 2021-06-08 19:05:00 58 38.62 16 27.40 58.64375 16.45671 GPS 6.3 1 Lera, silt 6.3 6.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1231 BQIm 3.89076 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 13 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 77 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.6305 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.623 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0139 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0014 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Wet weight 0.0206 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight 0.6141 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 7.807 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 130.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 770.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 6.305 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 6.23 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.139 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.014 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Wet weight/area 0.206 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight/area 6.141 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 78.07 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV1 387165 YV1 387165 387164 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d43e382fe497273f5ff6b42d2ee9a8ce 2021-06-06 15:45:00 58 08.64 16 42.76 58.14403 16.71266 GPS 5.3 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 5.3 5.3 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1232 BQIm 4.47325 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 104 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.028 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0028 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.009 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0325 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 7.2521 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 0.0062 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0011 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 90.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1040.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 0.28 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.028 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.09 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.325 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 72.521 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight/area 0.062 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.011 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV2 387167 YV2 387167 387166 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 8381397bddbb841a45ac70ec3bea60c4 2021-06-06 16:05:00 58 07.33 16 44.12 58.12212 16.73541 GPS 16.7 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 16.7 16.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1233 BQIm 5.23366 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 35 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.4904 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.007 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 5.1449 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0014 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 60.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 350.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 4.904 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.07 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 51.449 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.014 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV3 387169 YV3 387169 387168 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu c16caf44214f6b2b512f6d180907b8a0 2021-06-06 16:20:00 58 06.41 16 46.64 58.10689 16.77742 GPS 25.2 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25.2 25.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1234 BQIm 4.58363 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 49 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0064 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 1.5392 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 7.1805 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0308 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 490.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.064 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 15.392 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 71.805 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.308 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV4 387171 YV4 387171 387170 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6909ac67ec24b325cba1bb4be8b8d39e 2021-06-06 16:35:00 58 05.61 16 45.94 58.09356 16.76569 GPS 19 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 19 19 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1235 BQIm 3.49485 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pygospio elegans MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 25 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 # counted 28 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 73 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.5382 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Wet weight 0.0005 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0081 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.0001 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pygospio elegans MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0315 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Wet weight 0.2358 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0642 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight 1.6648 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 9.8508 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 1.5106 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Wet weight 0.0012 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0682 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pygospio elegans MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 250.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Abundance 280.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 60.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 730.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 90.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 5.382 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Wet weight/area 0.005 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.081 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight/area 0.001 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pygospio elegans MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.315 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Wet weight/area 2.358 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.642 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight/area 16.648 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 98.508 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight/area 15.106 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Wet weight/area 0.012 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.682 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YV5 387173 YV5 387173 387172 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9b12952423f328b4dc374da37a7df7d3 2021-06-06 17:00:00 58 05.36 16 48.87 58.08926 16.81458 GPS 10.6 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 10.6 10.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1236 BQIm 7.46861 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 17 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 59 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 90 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.1342 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.062 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0059 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.062 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 4.7296 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 170.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 590.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 900.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 1.342 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.62 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.059 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.62 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 47.296 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV1 387157 IV1 387157 387156 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 908ee6a5cae4dff3c5c7de68e39b9215 2021-06-06 14:15:00 58 11.86 16 37.04 58.19765 16.61727 GPS 9.8 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 9.8 9.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1237 BQIm 6.61648 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 24 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.1809 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0062 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.003 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 3.8258 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 7.0912 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 240.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 1.809 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.062 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.03 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 38.258 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 70.912 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV2 387159 IV2 387159 387158 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu d5fa10366110cc01f83cf306422cffe9 2021-06-06 14:35:00 58 11.06 16 38.28 58.18433 16.63799 GPS 18.2 1 Barkbitar Gyttja, lera, silt, sten 18.2 18.2 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1238 BQIm 5.37295 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 37 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.1005 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0183 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0391 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 1.504 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 0.9055 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 370.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 1.005 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.183 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.391 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 15.04 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 9.055 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV3 387161 IV3 387161 387160 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 1cefe1dec23006fca981079e5f0685d7 2021-06-06 14:50:00 58 10.42 16 38.97 58.17359 16.64954 GPS 20.9 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 20.9 20.9 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1239 BQIm 9.17631 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 16 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 18 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 92 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.4489 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.1119 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0448 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.6207 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 5.217 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0025 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 90.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 160.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 180.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 920.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 4.489 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 1.119 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.448 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 6.207 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 52.17 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.025 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV4 387163 IV4 387163 387162 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 3024d56634ee213d82e885aba29810c7 2021-06-06 15:06:00 58 10.02 16 40.39 58.16696 16.67322 GPS 14.5 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 14.5 14.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1240 BQIm 5.68953 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV5 387237 IV5 387237 387236 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu f84a1b189e40a0389c9f5b9f3573092b 2021-06-06 15:25:00 58 09.24 16 41.07 58.15404 16.68442 GPS 29.4 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 29.4 29.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1241. Inga djur H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 N - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 IV5 387237 IV5 387237 387236 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu f84a1b189e40a0389c9f5b9f3573092b 2021-06-06 15:25:00 58 09.24 16 41.07 58.15404 16.68442 GPS 29.4 1 Växtdetritus Gyttja, lera, silt 29.4 29.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1241. Inga djur No species in sample 0 ind NS-EN ISO 16665 N RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Laonome xeprovala 6021655 1299379 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Laonome xeprovala MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 221 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 1.6052 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.0345 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Laonome xeprovala 6021655 1299379 Wet weight 0.0142 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Laonome xeprovala MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Wet weight 0.0019 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 21.4166 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 110.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Laonome xeprovala 6021655 1299379 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Laonome xeprovala MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 2210.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 16.052 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 0.345 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Laonome xeprovala 6021655 1299379 Wet weight/area 0.142 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Laonome xeprovala MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Hydrobiidae 2000585 120 Wet weight/area 0.019 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hydrobiidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 214.166 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB1 387073 MB1 387073 387072 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 934a4d9ffa7d34bce1a72c46404b14a7 2021-06-09 10:05:00 58 38.45 16 29.19 58.64089 16.48647 GPS 7.7 1 Lera, silt 7.7 7.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1242 BQIm 4.16629 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 14 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 250 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 1.3364 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Wet weight 0.0011 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0181 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 31.7944 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 140.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 2500.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 13.364 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Wet weight/area 0.011 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.181 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 317.944 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB2 387075 MB2 387075 387074 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf9e8e6c12c670861a5934e988239fcf 2021-06-09 10:20:00 58 38.85 16 29.78 58.64758 16.49638 GPS 25 1 Gyttja, lera, silt 25 25 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1243 BQIm 3.81489 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 16 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Apocorophium lacustre 243514 148594 # counted 14 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Apocorophium lacustre MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Gammarus salinus 233489 102292 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus salinus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Gammarus SP 1009327 101537 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Jaera SP 1009339 118364 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Jaera MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 179 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 43 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 # counted 25 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 1.2558 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.0391 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Apocorophium lacustre 243514 148594 Wet weight 0.0337 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Apocorophium lacustre MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Gammarus salinus 233489 102292 Wet weight 0.0046 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus salinus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Gammarus SP 1009327 101537 Wet weight 0.012 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Jaera SP 1009339 118364 Wet weight 0.0065 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Jaera MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0141 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight 5.7666 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 15.0555 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 0.4892 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Wet weight 7.5804 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 160.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 80.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Apocorophium lacustre 243514 148594 Abundance 140.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Apocorophium lacustre MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Gammarus salinus 233489 102292 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus salinus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Gammarus SP 1009327 101537 Abundance 90.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Jaera SP 1009339 118364 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Jaera MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1790.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 430.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Abundance 250.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 12.558 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 0.391 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Apocorophium lacustre 243514 148594 Wet weight/area 0.337 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Apocorophium lacustre MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Gammarus salinus 233489 102292 Wet weight/area 0.046 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus salinus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Gammarus SP 1009327 101537 Wet weight/area 0.12 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Gammarus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Jaera SP 1009339 118364 Wet weight/area 0.065 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Jaera MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight/area 0.141 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Potamopyrgus antipodarum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight/area 57.666 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 150.555 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight/area 4.892 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Wet weight/area 75.804 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-22 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB3 387077 MB3 387077 387076 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu eff45338a70d4914e294711391e66eb0 2021-06-09 10:35:00 58 38.26 16 31.05 58.63769 16.51747 GPS 4.8 1 Lera, silt, sand, grus, sten 4.8 4.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 9 1000 Medins ProvID:1244 BQIm 6.81509 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 15 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 212 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 2.6451 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0239 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0043 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 34.7313 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 150.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 60.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 2120.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 26.451 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.239 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.043 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 347.313 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB4 387079 MB4 387079 387078 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu cf5360fa3cdb65b9f68ab640ac120c05 2021-06-09 10:55:00 58 38.45 16 33.33 58.64086 16.55549 GPS 31.8 1 Lera, silt 31.8 31.8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1245 BQIm 3.97142 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 286 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 1.7078 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Wet weight 0.0009 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0193 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0109 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 33.2296 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 110.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 2860.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 17.078 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Wet weight/area 0.009 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.193 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.109 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 332.296 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-02-23 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 MB5 387081 MB5 387081 387080 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 5d6d191fa7d043706ace7ae1515206e5 2021-06-09 11:10:00 58 37.91 16 35.39 58.63188 16.58981 GPS 7.4 1 Lera, silt 7.4 7.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1246 BQIm 4.20656 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 49 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pygospio elegans MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 112 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.4546 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.3645 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.5903 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.0001 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pygospio elegans MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight 3.5392 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 13.5627 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 1.0238 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 490.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pygospio elegans MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1120.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 4.546 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 3.645 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 5.903 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight/area 0.001 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pygospio elegans MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight/area 35.392 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 135.627 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight/area 10.238 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB1 387083 YB1 387083 387082 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 9254ba57fd800d01c41cc0a3be3c7173 2021-06-09 11:45:00 58 38.25 16 37.90 58.63757 16.63168 GPS 9.6 1 Mkt växtmaterial, punkten ligger på ledning - flyttades 10 m. Lera, silt, sand 9.6 9.6 MEDINS AB Yes VV 14 1000 Medins ProvID:1247 BQIm 4.54096 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pontoporeia femorata MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 107 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 H2S smell Nej NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.1967 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0068 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0107 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Wet weight 0.0095 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pontoporeia femorata MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 14.8375 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0219 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pontoporeia femorata MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1070.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 1.967 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 0.068 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.107 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Wet weight/area 0.095 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pontoporeia femorata MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 148.375 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.219 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB2 387085 YB2 387085 387084 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 4c96e4a9e006f4eaa7083b8033387703 2021-06-09 12:10:00 58 37.35 16 43.40 58.62248 16.72328 GPS 24.4 1 Fe-nm moduler Lera, silt, sand 24.4 24.4 MEDINS AB Yes VV 6 1000 Medins ProvID:1248 BQIm 4.64804 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 52 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pontoporeia femorata MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 80 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 2.2717 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.5455 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0041 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Wet weight 0.0502 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pontoporeia femorata MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 26.2566 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0107 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 110.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 520.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Abundance 90.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pontoporeia femorata MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 800.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 22.717 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 5.455 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.041 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Wet weight/area 0.502 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Pontoporeia femorata MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 262.566 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.107 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB3 387087 YB3 387087 387086 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu dd038a99da44a001b047e8acaa9b3461 2021-06-09 12:30:00 58 36.44 16 46.26 58.60740 16.77104 GPS 35.7 1 växtmaterial Gyttja, lera 35.7 35.7 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1249 BQIm 5.25317 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 17 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 # counted 99 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 12 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 48 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.5523 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Wet weight 0.0007 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.0144 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.1815 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight 0.8729 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0224 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight 0.039 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 9.2376 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 2.3269 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Wet weight 0.0092 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0241 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0018 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 170.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Abundance 990.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 120.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 480.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 5.523 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Wet weight/area 0.007 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight/area 0.144 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Hediste diversicolor MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight/area 1.815 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Marenzelleria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Corophium volutator 233437 102101 Wet weight/area 8.729 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Corophium volutator MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.224 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight/area 0.39 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Cerastoderma glaucum MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 92.376 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight/area 23.269 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mya arenaria MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Mytilus SPP 1005168 138228 Wet weight/area 0.092 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Mytilus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.241 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 Oligochaeta 3000107 2036 Wet weight/area 0.018 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Oligochaeta MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB4 387089 YB4 387089 387088 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 0dfcec3dfea9b0974f6f0d9738f1108b 2021-06-09 13:15:00 58 37.42 16 47.94 58.62367 16.79896 GPS 8 1 Lera, silt 8 8 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1250 BQIm 9.08051 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 13 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 206 ind/analysed sample fraction AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 H2S smell Ja NS-EN ISO 16665 Y - RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.8272 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Wet weight 0.0027 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0384 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.0622 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 17.4864 g/analysed sample fraction Blank AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0206 g/analysed sample fraction Blank LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Y 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 130.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 2060.0 ind/m2 Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Abundance 90.0 ind/m2 Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight/area 8.272 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Halicryptus spinulosus MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Wet weight/area 0.027 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Bylgides sarsi MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight/area 0.384 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Monoporeia affinis MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight/area 0.622 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Saduria entomon MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight/area 174.864 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y AD Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Limecola balthica MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 Chironomidae 2001302 118100 Wet weight/area 0.206 g wet weight/m2 Blank Y LV Kajsa Werner NS-EN ISO 16665 Y MEDINS AB Yes 2022-03-24 ETH 1000 RP T REG Chironomidae MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 YB5 387091 YB5 387091 387090 Coordinated recipient monitoring of Motala ström Motala ström Coalition of Water Conservation Pingu 6e3e417617ac5265c049dc6e58617b33 2021-06-09 12:50:00 58 35.36 16 49.95 58.58930 16.83255 GPS 16.5 1 Lera, silt 16.5 16.5 MEDINS AB Yes VV 15 1000 Medins ProvID:1251 BQIm 4.73045 index/sample Y NS-EN ISO 16665 Y RP T REG MEDINS AB Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_MEDINS_MSVVF