delivery_datatype check_status_sv data_checked_by_sv visit_year visit_month station_name reported_station_name sample_location_id station_id station_cluster sample_project_name_en sample_orderer_name_en platform_code visit_id shark_sample_id_md5 sample_date sample_time sample_latitude_dm sample_longitude_dm sample_latitude_dd sample_longitude_dd positioning_system_code water_depth_m wind_direction_code wind_speed_ms air_temperature_degc air_pressure_hpa weather_observation_code cloud_observation_code wave_observation_code wave_height_m ice_observation_code secchi_depth_m secchi_depth_quality_flag visit_comment sediment_type sample_id sample_min_depth_m sample_max_depth_m sampling_laboratory_name_en sampling_laboratory_accreditated sampler_type_code sampled_volume_l sampler_area_cm2 oxidized_layer_cm sample_comment scientific_name species_flag_code dyntaxa_id aphia_id parameter value unit quality_flag calc_by_dc dev_stage_code sample_part_id taxonomist method_documentation method_reference_code fauna_flora_found factors_influencing_code variable_comment analytical_laboratory_name_en analytical_laboratory_accreditated analysed_by analysis_date preservation_method_code upper_mesh_size_um lower_mesh_size_um number_of_portions counted_portions sample_part_min_cm sample_part_max_cm station_viss_eu_id water_land_station_type_code monitoring_station_type_code monitoring_purpose_code monitoring_program_code reported_scientific_name reported_parameter reported_value reported_unit reporting_institute_name_en data_holding_centre internet_access dataset_name Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 # counted 29 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Terebellides stroemii 227496 131573 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Terebellides stroemi PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Wet weight 0.03 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Wet weight 0.41 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Terebellides stroemii 227496 131573 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Terebellides stroemi PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Abundance 290.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 Terebellides stroemii 227496 131573 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Terebellides stroemi PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8ca01692dbaee4939eea2d37f088f319 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 grovsand 1 13 13 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 19 1000.0 BQIm 6.51128 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 f8a2490ed609deed7481452b16bdb229 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 1 - SM Sediment colour code N5 Rock Color Chart - 0 6 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE 14 384543 VE14 384543 384542 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 f8a2490ed609deed7481452b16bdb229 2021-06-17 57 17.34 12 05.74 57.28903 12.09572 DGP 13 1 - SM Sediment colour code N3 Rock Color Chart - 6 8 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Abra alba 218308 141433 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Abra alba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei 233410 110487 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phaxas pellucidus 218300 140737 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phaxas pellucida PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Philine quadripartita 218107 574582 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Philine aperta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 24 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Thracia phaseolina 218249 152378 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Thracia papyracea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Abra alba 218308 141433 Wet weight 0.2 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Abra alba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei 233410 110487 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Wet weight 0.81 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phaxas pellucidus 218300 140737 Wet weight 0.2 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phaxas pellucida PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Philine quadripartita 218107 574582 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Philine aperta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.06 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Thracia phaseolina 218249 152378 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Thracia papyracea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Abra alba 218308 141433 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Abra alba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei 233410 110487 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phaxas pellucidus 218300 140737 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phaxas pellucida PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Philine quadripartita 218107 574582 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Philine aperta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 240.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Thracia phaseolina 218249 152378 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Thracia papyracea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 9391cff1d3080e98bcfad283a771e198 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 1 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 BQIm 7.5103 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Thracia phaseolina 218249 152378 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Thracia papyracea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Wet weight 0.03 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 Wet weight 0.04 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Wet weight 1.03 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.03 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Thracia phaseolina 218249 152378 Wet weight 0.47 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Thracia papyracea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 110.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Thracia phaseolina 218249 152378 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Thracia papyracea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 8bf5892c8041c73aaaa2e4df87084fcf 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 2 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 BQIm 7.04186 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Abra alba 218308 141433 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Abra alba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei 233410 110487 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 # counted 10 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 # counted 12 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pectinaria auricoma 227442 334415 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pectinaria auricoma PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Philine quadripartita 218107 574582 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Philine aperta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 # counted 12 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 61 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Abra alba 218308 141433 Wet weight 0.11 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Abra alba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei 233410 110487 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Wet weight 0.44 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Wet weight 0.03 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pectinaria auricoma 227442 334415 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pectinaria auricoma PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Philine quadripartita 218107 574582 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Philine aperta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Wet weight 0.16 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.31 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Abra alba 218308 141433 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Abra alba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei 233410 110487 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 Abundance 100.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 Abundance 80.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Abundance 120.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pectinaria auricoma 227442 334415 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pectinaria auricoma PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Philine quadripartita 218107 574582 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Philine aperta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Abundance 120.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 610.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 24683482e7f9fc5f1fc33ccedf73cde7 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 3 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 BQIm 7.90189 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scalibregma inflatum 227839 130980 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scalibregma inflatum PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 22 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Wet weight 0.49 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scalibregma inflatum 227839 130980 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scalibregma inflatum PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.11 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Edwardsia SP 1004891 100730 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Edwardsia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata 227556 146950 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Galathowenia oculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scalibregma inflatum 227839 130980 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scalibregma inflatum PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 220.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ffa3332bb1c57cee833ff359c1a44913 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 4 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 BQIm 6.64069 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Macomangulus tenuis 218337 878470 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Angulus tenuis PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Astropecten irregularis 217678 123867 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Astropecten irregularis PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Branchiostoma lanceolatum 232195 104906 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Branchiostoma lanceolatum PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Gastrosaccus spinifer 244970 120020 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Gastrosaccus spinifer PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Goniada maculata 226813 130140 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Goniada maculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nemertea INDET 5000018 152391 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nemertea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phyllodocidae INDET 2000484 931 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phyllodocidae PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 7 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Thracia phaseolina 218249 152378 # counted 18 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Thracia papyracea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Macomangulus tenuis 218337 878470 Wet weight 0.12 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Angulus tenuis PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Astropecten irregularis 217678 123867 Wet weight 3.09 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Astropecten irregularis PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Branchiostoma lanceolatum 232195 104906 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Branchiostoma lanceolatum PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 Wet weight 0.22 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Gastrosaccus spinifer 244970 120020 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Gastrosaccus spinifer PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Goniada maculata 226813 130140 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Goniada maculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nemertea INDET 5000018 152391 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nemertea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Wet weight 0.35 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phyllodocidae INDET 2000484 931 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phyllodocidae PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Thracia phaseolina 218249 152378 Wet weight 1.61 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Thracia papyracea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Macomangulus tenuis 218337 878470 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Angulus tenuis PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Astropecten irregularis 217678 123867 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Astropecten irregularis PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Bathyporeia SP 1009289 101742 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Bathyporeia PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Branchiostoma lanceolatum 232195 104906 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Branchiostoma lanceolatum PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 Abundance 90.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Gastrosaccus spinifer 244970 120020 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Gastrosaccus spinifer PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Goniada maculata 226813 130140 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Goniada maculata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nemertea INDET 5000018 152391 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nemertea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phyllodocidae INDET 2000484 931 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phyllodocidae PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 70.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Thracia phaseolina 218249 152378 Abundance 180.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Thracia papyracea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 1bde4a94dbfd88326a217c9243025eb4 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 sandig silt 5 15 15 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 BQIm 10.3913 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 c5911e582b65c0352e8a6f09847f19bd 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 1 - SM Sediment water content 27.2 % ww - 0 1 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 c5911e582b65c0352e8a6f09847f19bd 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 1 - SM Loss on ignition 1.43 % dw - 0 1 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 0b0d8d1a121b5b30903ea827953d3566 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 1 - SM Redox potential 467 mV - 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 0b0d8d1a121b5b30903ea827953d3566 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 1 - SM Redox potential 255 mV - 1 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 0b0d8d1a121b5b30903ea827953d3566 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 1 - SM Redox potential 217 mV - 2 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 0b0d8d1a121b5b30903ea827953d3566 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 1 - SM Redox potential 255 mV - 3 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 0b0d8d1a121b5b30903ea827953d3566 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 1 - SM Redox potential 241 mV - 4 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 0b0d8d1a121b5b30903ea827953d3566 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 1 - SM Redox potential 217 mV - 5 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 0cd79fa0f3c25313f76cfa23437b1c27 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 1 - SM Sediment colour code N5 Rock Color Chart - 0 4 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE2 384545 VE2 384545 384544 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 0cd79fa0f3c25313f76cfa23437b1c27 2021-06-17 57 17.75 12 06.08 57.29578 12.10127 DGP 15 1 - SM Sediment colour code N3 Rock Color Chart - 4 8 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pariambus typicus 233576 101857 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pariambus typicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus 217809 107563 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 52 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Wet weight 0.22 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pariambus typicus 233576 101857 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pariambus typicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus 217809 107563 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.13 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pariambus typicus 233576 101857 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pariambus typicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus 217809 107563 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 520.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 ef3568873075cab49ed9ac8126d7d252 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 1 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 BQIm 5.47515 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii 227862 130555 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei 233410 110487 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus 217809 107563 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 12 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 62 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii 227862 130555 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei 233410 110487 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Wet weight 0.07 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus 217809 107563 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.16 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii 227862 130555 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei 233410 110487 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Diastylis rathkei PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus 217809 107563 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 120.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 620.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 a66bd8c53da9a0a807bb47b96cb1423b 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 2 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 BQIm 6.12114 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii 227862 130555 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Podocoryna carnea CF 239366 151718 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Hydractinia carnea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Tritia nitida 250051 890057 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nassarius nitidus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pariambus typicus 233576 101857 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pariambus typicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus 217809 107563 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 14 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 73 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii 227862 130555 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Podocoryna carnea CF 239366 151718 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Hydractinia carnea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Tritia nitida 250051 890057 Wet weight 0.59 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nassarius nitidus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Wet weight 0.13 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pariambus typicus 233576 101857 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pariambus typicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus 217809 107563 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.27 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii 227862 130555 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Aricidea cerrutii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Podocoryna carnea CF 239366 151718 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Hydractinia carnea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Tritia nitida 250051 890057 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nassarius nitidus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pariambus typicus 233576 101857 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pariambus typicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus CF 233577 102915 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Perioculodes longimanus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus 217809 107563 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pontophilus norvegicus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 140.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 730.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 19b7fb2ccdf21c13cb1cecd844f9b626 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 3 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 BQIm 6.01094 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Abra alba 218308 141433 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Abra alba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 12 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Abra alba 218308 141433 Wet weight 0.2 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Abra alba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.05 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Abra alba 218308 141433 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Abra alba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Ampharete baltica 227455 129776 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Ampharete baltica PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa 227034 130364 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys longosetosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 120.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 d153b0c542852bc6cf10a9223e275d46 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 4 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 BQIm 4.4323 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nemertea INDET 5000018 152391 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nemertea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 10 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 42 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nemertea INDET 5000018 152391 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nemertea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Wet weight 0.38 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.17 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nemertea INDET 5000018 152391 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nemertea PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 100.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 420.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 399840b3261fa99b8997363d8825d20f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 sandig silt 5 8 8 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 BQIm 4.26577 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 98c9149103e79d127cab0cec1cea373f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 1 - SM Sediment water content 26.7 % ww - 0 1 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 98c9149103e79d127cab0cec1cea373f 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 1 - SM Loss on ignition 1.35 % dw - 0 1 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3bffa57d8b7d24e451da468ff5b54ddb 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 1 - SM Redox potential 217 mV - 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3bffa57d8b7d24e451da468ff5b54ddb 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 1 - SM Redox potential 206 mV - 1 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3bffa57d8b7d24e451da468ff5b54ddb 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 1 - SM Redox potential 123 mV - 2 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3bffa57d8b7d24e451da468ff5b54ddb 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 1 - SM Redox potential 134 mV - 3 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3bffa57d8b7d24e451da468ff5b54ddb 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 1 - SM Redox potential 112 mV - 4 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3bffa57d8b7d24e451da468ff5b54ddb 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 1 - SM Redox potential 105 mV - 5 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 50e7225a1bfee9194869de02d681345c 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 1 - SM Sediment colour code N5 Rock Color Chart - 0 4 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE3 384547 VE3 384547 384546 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 50e7225a1bfee9194869de02d681345c 2021-06-17 57 17.95 12 08.18 57.29913 12.13632 DGP 8 1 - SM Sediment colour code N3 Rock Color Chart - 4 8 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii 227030 130359 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 67 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Wet weight 0.58 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii 227030 130359 Wet weight 0.57 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.2 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 110.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Kurtiella bidentata 218286 345281 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Mysella bidentata PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Abundance 30.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii 227030 130359 Abundance 80.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Oligochaeta INDET 3000107 2036 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Oligochaeta PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Abundance 50.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 40.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pygospio elegans PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 670.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 6de3e88006fbb7c59f24f2ff7f5a267f 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 sandig silt 1 7 7 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 29 1000.0 BQIm 5.38643 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 67d3cc673ba30ace574bd49763ca83be 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 1 - SM Sediment colour code N5 Rock Color Chart - 0 4 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE7 384549 VE7 384549 384548 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 67d3cc673ba30ace574bd49763ca83be 2021-06-17 57 18.98 12 07.10 57.31633 12.11837 DGP 7 1 - SM Sediment colour code N3 Rock Color Chart - 4 8 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii 227030 130359 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Pectinaria koreni 227445 234099 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pectinaria koreni PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Phaxas pellucidus 218300 140737 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phaxas pellucida PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 # counted 12 ind/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 H2S smell Nej 0 - PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Wet weight 0.04 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 Wet weight 0.01 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Wet weight 0.05 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii 227030 130359 Wet weight 0.21 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Pectinaria koreni 227445 234099 Wet weight 0.02 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pectinaria koreni PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Phaxas pellucidus 218300 140737 Wet weight 0.13 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phaxas pellucida PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Wet weight 0.11 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Wet weight 0.03 g/analysed sample fraction 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Corbula gibba 218266 139410 Abundance 20.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Corbula gibba PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus 217713 124273 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Echinocyamus pusillus PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Nephtys caeca 227026 130355 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys caeca PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii 227030 130359 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nephtys hombergii PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa 218231 140589 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Nucula nitidosa PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Pectinaria koreni 227445 234099 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Pectinaria koreni PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Phaxas pellucidus 218300 140737 Abundance 10.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phaxas pellucida PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri 233581 128549 Abundance 60.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Phoronis muelleri PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger 227855 130537 Abundance 120.0 ind/m2 Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies ETH 1000.0 Scoloplos armiger PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 3328403a8127178474c424faa7f61361 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 grovsand 1 11 11 PAG Environmental Studies Nej SM 15 1000.0 BQIm 5.52258 index/sample Y 0 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 4db0a790a2d9fd0cd8fa17e8b31bff22 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 1 - SM Sediment colour code N5 Rock Color Chart - 0 4 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2 Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2021 06 VE8 384551 VE8 384551 384550 Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Halland County Administrative Board of Halland 7799 4db0a790a2d9fd0cd8fa17e8b31bff22 2021-06-17 57 17.32 12 07.51 57.28867 12.12510 DGP 11 1 - SM Sediment colour code N3 Rock Color Chart - 4 8 PAG Environmental Studies Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2021_PAG_NLST_2