delivery_datatype check_status_sv data_checked_by_sv visit_year visit_month station_name reported_station_name sample_location_id station_id station_cluster sample_project_name_en sample_orderer_name_en platform_code visit_id shark_sample_id_md5 sample_date sample_time sample_latitude_dm sample_longitude_dm sample_latitude_dd sample_longitude_dd positioning_system_code water_depth_m wind_direction_code wind_speed_ms air_temperature_degc air_pressure_hpa weather_observation_code cloud_observation_code wave_observation_code wave_height_m ice_observation_code secchi_depth_m secchi_depth_quality_flag visit_comment sediment_type sample_id sample_min_depth_m sample_max_depth_m sampling_laboratory_name_en sampling_laboratory_accreditated sampler_type_code sampled_volume_l sampler_area_cm2 oxidized_layer_cm sample_comment scientific_name species_flag_code dyntaxa_id aphia_id parameter value unit quality_flag calc_by_dc dev_stage_code sample_part_id taxonomist method_documentation method_reference_code fauna_flora_found factors_influencing_code variable_comment analytical_laboratory_name_en analytical_laboratory_accreditated analysed_by analysis_date preservation_method_code upper_mesh_size_um lower_mesh_size_um number_of_portions counted_portions sample_part_min_cm sample_part_max_cm station_viss_eu_id water_land_station_type_code monitoring_station_type_code monitoring_purpose_code monitoring_program_code reported_scientific_name reported_parameter reported_value reported_unit reporting_institute_name_en data_holding_centre internet_access dataset_name Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Chironomidae SPP 2001302 118100 # counted 48 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Chironomidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 184 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 34 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Mytilus edulis 106665 140480 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mytilus edulis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 # counted 19 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 H2S smell Nej 0 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Chironomidae SPP 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.1079 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Chironomidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.561 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 18.3535 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0184 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Mytilus edulis 106665 140480 Wet weight 0.3645 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mytilus edulis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0019 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.0001 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Chironomidae SPP 2001302 118100 Abundance 399.334 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Chironomidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 33.2779 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1530.78 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 282.862 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Mytilus edulis 106665 140480 Abundance 41.5973 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mytilus edulis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Abundance 158.07 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 8.31947 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d8a204f25ce23a4692010c605a236785 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 gyttjig sand på sand 1 28.3 28.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 11.2 1202.0 12 BQIm 4.76132 index/sample Y 0 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST df80ea85b0aceaaa4f4ef54e37585581 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 1 - EK Sediment water content 57.01 % ww - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST df80ea85b0aceaaa4f4ef54e37585581 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 1 - EK Loss on ignition 5.67 % dw - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 95964b640c1057089e2624ffb0135255 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water dissolved oxygen 10.5 mg/l 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 95964b640c1057089e2624ffb0135255 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water oxygen saturation 93 % 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 95964b640c1057089e2624ffb0135255 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water salinity 7 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 95964b640c1057089e2624ffb0135255 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water temperature 7.9 C 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 830addb4471d3a49f250b2daa33a3edd 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10YR4/2 Rock Color Chart - 0 12 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B10 B10 157370 264980 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 830addb4471d3a49f250b2daa33a3edd 2022-05-30 14:10:00 56 56.50 16 42.92 56.94162 16.71542 DGP 28.3 NE 4 0.1 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10YR2/2 Rock Color Chart - 12 13 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Chironomidae SPP 2001302 118100 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Chironomidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Hydrobia SPP 1004953 138081 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hydrobia Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 124 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 15 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mya arenaria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Potamopyrgus antipodarum Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 82 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Saduria entomon Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 H2S smell Nej 0 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Chironomidae SPP 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0138 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Chironomidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.0266 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.0129 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Hydrobia SPP 1004953 138081 Wet weight 0.0122 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hydrobia Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 12.0071 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0365 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0684 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 0.2062 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mya arenaria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0011 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0262 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Potamopyrgus antipodarum Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.0082 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Wet weight 0.0024 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Saduria entomon Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Chironomidae SPP 2001302 118100 Abundance 41.5973 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Chironomidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 16.6389 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 24.9584 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Hydrobia SPP 1004953 138081 Abundance 16.6389 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hydrobia Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 1031.61 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 24.9584 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 124.792 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 8.31947 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mya arenaria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Abundance 91.5141 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 24.9584 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Potamopyrgus antipodarum Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 682.196 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 Saduria entomon 101726 119034 Abundance 8.31947 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Saduria entomon Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bfa5fc59e251a547fed0de4ce5eefbdd 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 sand 1 19.8 19.8 Linnaeus University Nej VV 6.4 1202.0 8 BQIm 6.00556 index/sample Y 0 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST a32d820fe828dcb5e0359c8ea5cee197 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Sediment water content 40.55 % ww - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST a32d820fe828dcb5e0359c8ea5cee197 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Loss on ignition 2.68 % dw - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bdb521f57eb9f87de3ed3ddb56923c54 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water oxygen saturation 100 % 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bdb521f57eb9f87de3ed3ddb56923c54 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water salinity 7 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST bdb521f57eb9f87de3ed3ddb56923c54 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water temperature 7.7 C 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2414854485aed13f3e821d0dea7d57df 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Sediment colour code 5YR4/4 Rock Color Chart - 0 3 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 B6MS B6MS 156794 264422 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2414854485aed13f3e821d0dea7d57df 2022-05-30 14:30:00 56 54.97 16 42.59 56.91622 16.70987 DGP 19 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Sediment colour code 5Y5/2 Rock Color Chart - 3 8 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Bylgides sarsi Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 15 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Hydrobia SPP 1004953 138081 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hydrobia Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 93 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mya arenaria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Mytilus edulis 106665 140480 # counted 49 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mytilus edulis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 # counted 84 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 119 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 H2S smell Nej 0 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Wet weight 0.017 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Bylgides sarsi Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.055 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Hydrobia SPP 1004953 138081 Wet weight 0.07 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hydrobia Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 9.2885 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.021 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 0.54 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mya arenaria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Mytilus edulis 106665 140480 Wet weight 4.737 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mytilus edulis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0084 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.0119 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Bylgides sarsi 227069 130735 Abundance 8.31947 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Bylgides sarsi Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 124.792 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Hydrobia SPP 1004953 138081 Abundance 74.8752 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hydrobia Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 773.71 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 49.9168 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 49.9168 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mya arenaria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Mytilus edulis 106665 140480 Abundance 407.654 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mytilus edulis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Abundance 698.835 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 990.017 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2f3cd13f529da19f48884aa1944a8d92 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 sand 1 22.6 22.6 Linnaeus University Nej VV 5.3 1202.0 8 BQIm 4.15969 index/sample Y 0 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 65d34182cc35a2f83160066c2c78b801 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 1 - EK Sediment water content 12.46 % ww - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 65d34182cc35a2f83160066c2c78b801 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 1 - EK Loss on ignition 0.77 % dw - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST abe0221f312e48ee45dd3f30b47ad7df 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water dissolved oxygen 10.9 mg/l 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST abe0221f312e48ee45dd3f30b47ad7df 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water oxygen saturation 99 % 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST abe0221f312e48ee45dd3f30b47ad7df 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water salinity 7.1 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST abe0221f312e48ee45dd3f30b47ad7df 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water temperature 7.9 C 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST c1ccabf48528409c724250a5da846997 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10YR8/6 Rock Color Chart - 0 1 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST c1ccabf48528409c724250a5da846997 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10YR5/4 Rock Color Chart - 1 3 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB17MS MB17MS 157727 265331 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST c1ccabf48528409c724250a5da846997 2022-05-30 10:50:00 57 04.95 16 40.46 57.08252 16.67428 DGP 21.9 E 4 0.2 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10YR6/6 Rock Color Chart - 3 8 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Cerastoderma glaucum Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 # counted 21 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Hydrobia SPP 1004953 138081 # counted 16 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hydrobia Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 12 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 19 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 # counted 38 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mya arenaria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Mytilus edulis 106665 140480 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mytilus edulis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 # counted 36 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 # counted 3 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Potamopyrgus antipodarum Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 62 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 H2S smell Nej 0 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Wet weight 2.9904 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Cerastoderma glaucum Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Wet weight 0.4279 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Hydrobia SPP 1004953 138081 Wet weight 0.0922 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hydrobia Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 1.2359 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.1113 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Wet weight 14.3992 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mya arenaria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Mytilus edulis 106665 140480 Wet weight 0.4177 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mytilus edulis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0036 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Wet weight 0.0361 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Potamopyrgus antipodarum Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.0062 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Cerastoderma glaucum 218259 138999 Abundance 66.5557 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Cerastoderma glaucum Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Hediste diversicolor 227000 152302 Abundance 174.709 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hediste diversicolor Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Hydrobia SPP 1004953 138081 Abundance 133.111 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Hydrobia Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 99.8336 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 158.07 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Mya arenaria 218290 140430 Abundance 316.14 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mya arenaria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Mytilus edulis 106665 140480 Abundance 8.31947 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Mytilus edulis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Abundance 299.501 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Potamopyrgus antipodarum 106657 147123 Abundance 24.9584 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Potamopyrgus antipodarum Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 515.807 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2decf66cca0b4b863440a337059f991b 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 sand 1 15.5 15.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 12.4 1202.0 13 BQIm 5.53977 index/sample Y 0 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 71dcae87b0b69a5cdab7c6f44a697b35 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 1 - EK Sediment water content 16.18 % ww - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 71dcae87b0b69a5cdab7c6f44a697b35 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 1 - EK Loss on ignition 0.31 % dw - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 5aa57303dd3e547620640e6a6a7cc00d 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water dissolved oxygen 10.7 mg/l 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 5aa57303dd3e547620640e6a6a7cc00d 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water oxygen saturation 99 % 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 5aa57303dd3e547620640e6a6a7cc00d 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water salinity 6.9 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 5aa57303dd3e547620640e6a6a7cc00d 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water temperature 10.1 C 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MB21 MB21 370239 370238 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 762e1bd6758fe0828336cad0f4781dba 2022-05-30 10:30:00 57 02.54 16 39.97 57.04235 16.66610 DGP 15 NE 4 0.2 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10R6/6 Rock Color Chart - 0 13 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST ed4f07dfdeed2c40189ca96fdd9dfe7c 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 lergyttja 1 42.2 42.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 2 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST ed4f07dfdeed2c40189ca96fdd9dfe7c 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 lergyttja 1 42.2 42.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 2 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 33 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST ed4f07dfdeed2c40189ca96fdd9dfe7c 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 lergyttja 1 42.2 42.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 2 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST ed4f07dfdeed2c40189ca96fdd9dfe7c 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 lergyttja 1 42.2 42.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 2 H2S smell Ja 0 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST ed4f07dfdeed2c40189ca96fdd9dfe7c 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 lergyttja 1 42.2 42.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 2 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.1991 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST ed4f07dfdeed2c40189ca96fdd9dfe7c 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 lergyttja 1 42.2 42.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 2 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 17.6985 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST ed4f07dfdeed2c40189ca96fdd9dfe7c 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 lergyttja 1 42.2 42.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 2 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Wet weight 0.0125 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST ed4f07dfdeed2c40189ca96fdd9dfe7c 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 lergyttja 1 42.2 42.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 2 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 49.9168 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST ed4f07dfdeed2c40189ca96fdd9dfe7c 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 lergyttja 1 42.2 42.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 2 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 274.542 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST ed4f07dfdeed2c40189ca96fdd9dfe7c 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 lergyttja 1 42.2 42.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 2 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Abundance 8.31947 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST ed4f07dfdeed2c40189ca96fdd9dfe7c 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 lergyttja 1 42.2 42.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 2 BQIm 3.53306 index/sample Y 0 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 6eb25340c6e352455b9281a203a32ae3 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Sediment water content 73.98 % ww - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 6eb25340c6e352455b9281a203a32ae3 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Loss on ignition 11.82 % dw - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 703e947b91e30975831cef68869333e0 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water dissolved oxygen 10.3 mg/l 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 703e947b91e30975831cef68869333e0 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water oxygen saturation 99 % 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 703e947b91e30975831cef68869333e0 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water salinity 7.1 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 703e947b91e30975831cef68869333e0 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water temperature 7.8 C 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST f2c3fdd3c6d16d95541d5377559c087e 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10YR5/4 Rock Color Chart - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST f2c3fdd3c6d16d95541d5377559c087e 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Sediment colour code 5Y4/1 Rock Color Chart - 2 6 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY12MS MBY12MS 156787 264415 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST f2c3fdd3c6d16d95541d5377559c087e 2022-05-30 12:30:00 57 07.57 16 48.54 57.12612 16.80897 DGP 41.3 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Sediment colour code 5Y5/2 Rock Color Chart - 6 18 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 18 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 47 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Nemertea SP 5000018 152391 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Nemertea Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 H2S smell Nej 0 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 1.1241 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 8.6841 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0103 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Nemertea SP 5000018 152391 Wet weight 0.0006 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Nemertea Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Wet weight 0.0608 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.0001 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 149.75 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 391.015 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 16.6389 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Nemertea SP 5000018 152391 Abundance 8.31947 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Nemertea Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Abundance 33.2779 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 8.31947 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 19f3375d35ab9f696907d96b56cc22ce 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera på silt 1 40.3 40.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 BQIm 6.52461 index/sample Y 0 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0fff6a6a2af0c10b019a648e06a85117 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Sediment water content 52.06 % ww - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0fff6a6a2af0c10b019a648e06a85117 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Loss on ignition 4.87 % dw - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST a7f9fb7791725bdb6b9a68bcccbf0a96 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water dissolved oxygen 10.9 mg/l 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST a7f9fb7791725bdb6b9a68bcccbf0a96 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water oxygen saturation 96 % 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST a7f9fb7791725bdb6b9a68bcccbf0a96 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water salinity 7.1 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST a7f9fb7791725bdb6b9a68bcccbf0a96 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water temperature 7.7 C 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST fc9ba07504bb36ff01d40e134625482f 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Sediment colour code 5YR4/4 Rock Color Chart - 0 1 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY13 MBY13 370241 370240 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST fc9ba07504bb36ff01d40e134625482f 2022-05-30 11:30:00 57 09.48 16 41.32 57.15803 16.68868 DGP 39.2 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Sediment colour code 5Y5/2 Rock Color Chart - 1 18 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Bylgides elegans 130732 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Bylgides elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Cyanophthalma obscura 233441 122739 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Cyanophthalma obscura Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 91 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 # counted 6 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 H2S smell Nej 0 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Bylgides elegans 130732 Wet weight 0.0011 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Bylgides elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Cyanophthalma obscura 233441 122739 Wet weight 0.0758 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Cyanophthalma obscura Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.5024 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 14.4609 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0241 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Wet weight 0.0321 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Wet weight 0.0002 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Bylgides elegans 130732 Abundance 8.31947 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Bylgides elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Cyanophthalma obscura 233441 122739 Abundance 8.31947 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Cyanophthalma obscura Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 66.5557 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 757.072 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 74.8752 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Abundance 49.9168 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 Pygospio elegans 227345 131170 Abundance 16.6389 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pygospio elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0a0059d66b6205953a78fc5532f41a39 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 gyttjig lera 1 39.1 39.1 Linnaeus University Nej VV 19.2 1202.0 18 BQIm 6.0226 index/sample Y 0 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 79c39a970dc4480fc329bb6122714fa7 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Sediment water content 44.68 % ww - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 79c39a970dc4480fc329bb6122714fa7 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Loss on ignition 4.28 % dw - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0dd078744ee3a728cc25b8a0d4aa045b 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water dissolved oxygen 10.9 mg/l 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0dd078744ee3a728cc25b8a0d4aa045b 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water oxygen saturation 96 % 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0dd078744ee3a728cc25b8a0d4aa045b 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water salinity 7.1 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0dd078744ee3a728cc25b8a0d4aa045b 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 1 - RU Bottom water temperature 7.8 C 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 7029b68791551e61fbd284f92d65449a 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Sediment colour code 5YR4/4 Rock Color Chart - 0 1 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY14 MBY14 370243 370242 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 7029b68791551e61fbd284f92d65449a 2022-05-30 12:00:00 57 08.96 16 45.61 57.14940 16.76012 DGP 38.2 E 3 0.2 1 - EK Sediment colour code 5Y6/4 Rock Color Chart - 1 18 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Chironomidae SPP 2001302 118100 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Chironomidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 9 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 110 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 27 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 H2S smell Ja 0 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Chironomidae SPP 2001302 118100 Wet weight 0.0217 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Chironomidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.6122 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 10.8553 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0236 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Chironomidae SPP 2001302 118100 Abundance 66.5557 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Chironomidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 74.8752 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 915.141 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 224.626 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 05670f7b3dd18928c85d5483eb3518ef 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja på silt 1 39.5 39.5 Linnaeus University Nej VV 20.6 1202.0 4 BQIm 4.79638 index/sample Y 0 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 5ab5dc1328e8403a5308055860269002 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Sediment water content 54.51 % ww - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 5ab5dc1328e8403a5308055860269002 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Loss on ignition 7.25 % dw - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 93038edca8f644801686d0cb7bcd1b28 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water dissolved oxygen 10.5 mg/l 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 93038edca8f644801686d0cb7bcd1b28 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water oxygen saturation 100 % 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 93038edca8f644801686d0cb7bcd1b28 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water salinity 7.1 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 93038edca8f644801686d0cb7bcd1b28 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water temperature 7.8 C 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST f7d0655ddd7fb2e20e523b6af145ebc9 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10YR5/4 Rock Color Chart - 0 4 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST f7d0655ddd7fb2e20e523b6af145ebc9 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10YR2/2 Rock Color Chart - 4 8 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY7MS MBY7MS 370245 370244 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST f7d0655ddd7fb2e20e523b6af145ebc9 2022-05-30 13:00:00 57 00.38 16 45.80 57.00638 16.76333 DGP 38.9 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Sediment colour code N7 Rock Color Chart - 8 18 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Fabriciidae SP 1009399 154918 # counted 1 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Fabriciidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 5 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 42 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 56 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 # counted 8 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 H2S smell Ja 0 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Fabriciidae SP 1009399 154918 Wet weight 0.001 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Fabriciidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.2311 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 9.6704 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.1142 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0008 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Fabriciidae SP 1009399 154918 Abundance 8.31947 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Fabriciidae Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 41.5973 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 349.418 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 465.89 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Abundance 66.5557 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d0236f5a91c23fceb0ed8fb2342ba22f 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 lergyttja 1 38.2 38.2 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 7 BQIm 7.53824 index/sample Y 0 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 73004ad064495247761afc497ea2f350 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Sediment water content 69.05 % ww - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 73004ad064495247761afc497ea2f350 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Loss on ignition 9.85 % dw - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0ac3d8aa0c159596ff21dfafcea56c07 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water dissolved oxygen 10.3 mg/l 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0ac3d8aa0c159596ff21dfafcea56c07 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water oxygen saturation 98 % 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0ac3d8aa0c159596ff21dfafcea56c07 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water salinity 7.1 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 0ac3d8aa0c159596ff21dfafcea56c07 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water temperature 7.8 C 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2b662ff64d148034b87938cd084c0694 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10YR5/4 Rock Color Chart - 0 7 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY8MS MBY8MS 156796 264424 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 2b662ff64d148034b87938cd084c0694 2022-05-30 13:15:00 57 02.47 16 47.61 57.04117 16.79350 DGP 37.5 NE 2 0.1 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10YR2/2 Rock Color Chart - 7 18 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Bylgides elegans 130732 # counted 2 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Bylgides elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 # counted 46 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 # counted 11 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 # counted 35 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 # counted 4 ind/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 H2S smell Ja 0 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Bylgides elegans 130732 Wet weight 0.0172 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Bylgides elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Wet weight 0.2351 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Wet weight 13.3497 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Wet weight 0.0291 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Wet weight 0.0177 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Wet weight 0.0004 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Wet weight 0.0125 g/analysed sample fraction Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Bylgides elegans 130732 Abundance 16.6389 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Bylgides elegans Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Halicryptus spinulosus 233496 101156 Abundance 33.2779 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Halicryptus spinulosus Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Macoma balthica 106766 141579 Abundance 382.696 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Macoma balthica Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Marenzelleria SPP 1007529 129615 Abundance 91.5141 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Marenzelleria Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Monoporeia affinis 233408 103077 Abundance 291.181 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Monoporeia affinis Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Oligochaeta SPP 3000107 2036 Abundance 33.2779 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Oligochaeta Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 Pontoporeia femorata 233409 103079 Abundance 33.2779 ind/m2 Y Jonas Nilsson 0 Linnaeus University ETHG 1000.0 Pontoporeia femorata Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST 9bf3644a92f2487ae15b7cb6fab195a6 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 lergyttja 1 41.3 41.3 Linnaeus University Nej VV 23 1202.0 1 BQIm 7.67527 index/sample Y 0 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST cfab194a669c09f6011100676c59a06b 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 1 - EK Sediment water content 76.99 % ww - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST cfab194a669c09f6011100676c59a06b 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 1 - EK Loss on ignition 14.86 % dw - 0 2 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d78bc51f5ae7cd319079374ccf7f115d 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water dissolved oxygen 10.3 mg/l 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d78bc51f5ae7cd319079374ccf7f115d 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water oxygen saturation 99 % 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d78bc51f5ae7cd319079374ccf7f115d 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water salinity 7.1 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST d78bc51f5ae7cd319079374ccf7f115d 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 1 - RU Bottom water temperature 7.8 C 1 - Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST c238e7be3ea8db330a2c5c0ce58cf046 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 1 - EK Sediment colour code 10YR5/4 Rock Color Chart - 0 1 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST Zoobenthos Klar Leverantör 2022 05 MBY9MS MBY9MS 370247 370246 N Kalm Regional monitoring, The County Administration Board of Kalmar County Administrative Board of Kalmar 77ST c238e7be3ea8db330a2c5c0ce58cf046 2022-05-30 12:50:00 57 04.91 16 46.98 57.08178 16.78308 DGP 40.5 SE 3 0.1 1 - EK Sediment colour code 5Y2/1 Rock Color Chart - 1 18 Linnaeus University Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI), SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_LNU_HLST