datatype: Zoobenthos abstract: Regional monitoring data from the seas surrounding Sweden. description: Samples are often taken with a sediment graber that is lowered from a boat and collect a known amount of bottom substrate. The material is filtered and the animals present in the sample is preserved for later to be determined, counted and weighed. For each species data is presented on the number of counted individuals in the sample (# Counted), number per bottom area (Abundance), weight of the organisms in the sample (wet weight), weight per bottom surface (wet weight/area). Some organisms is only reported that they occurred in a sample (Non- Quantized observation), but not how many they were. The bottom sediment condition is also often reported. originator: Medins data_holding_centre: Swedish National Oceanographic Data Centre at Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) data_distributor: Swedish National Oceanographic Data Centre at Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) database_reference: SHARK internet_access:, contact: discipline: Marine biology address: Sven Källfelts gata 15 city: Västra Frölunda postal code: SE-426 71 phone: +46-(0)11-495 80 00 email: measuring area type: point coordinate system: WGS84 platform class: ship access constraints: unrestricted citation: The data used in this (project/report/etc) has been downloaded from the Swedish National Oceanographic Data Centre at the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI). Data has been collected within Swedish coordinated marine monitoring by (originator/orderer). dataset_name: SHARK_Zoobenthos_2022_MEDINS_NLST dataset_category: Zoobenthos dataset_version: 2024-09-28 dataset_file_name: min_year: 2022 max_year: 2022 min_date: 2022-05-04 max_date: 2022-05-05 min_longitude: 11.988333 max_longitude: 12.72 min_latitude: 56.561667 max_latitude: 57.406667 parameters#0.parameter: # counted parameters#0.unit: ind/analysed sample fraction parameters#1.parameter: Wet weight parameters#1.unit: g/analysed sample fraction parameters#2.parameter: BQIm parameters#2.unit: index/sample parameters#3.parameter: Wet weight/area parameters#3.unit: g wet weight/m2 parameters#4.parameter: Abundance parameters#4.unit: ind/m2 parameters#5.parameter: H2S smell parameters#5.unit: