internal_key short english swedish darwin_core comments datatype DTYPE Data type Datatyp Datatype Hyd. visit_year MYEAR Year År VisitYear Hyd. visit_date SDATE Samling date Provtagningsdatum VisitDate Hyd. sample_date SMPDATE Sampling date (start) Startdatum provtagning SampleDate Hyd. sample_enddate ENDDATE Sampling end date Slutdatum provtagning SampleEnddate Hyd. visit_month MONTH Month Månad VisitMonth Hyd. visit_day VISIT_DAY Day Dag VisitDay Hyd. sample_time SMPTIME Sampling time (start) Provtagningstid (start) SampleTime Hyd. sample_endtime ENDTIME Sampling end time Slut-tid provtagning SampleEndtime Hyd. station_name STATN_NAME Station name Stationsnamn StationName Hyd. reported_station_name REP_STATN_NAME Reported station name Rapporterat stationsnamn ReportedStationName Hyd. station_viss_eu_id Station VISS EU ID Stationid VISS StationVissEuId Hyd. project_name PROJ_NAME Project name Projektnamn ProjectName Hyd. project_code PROJ Project code Projektkod ProjectCode Hyd. delivery_orderer ORDERER_DELIVERY Orderer (delivery) Beställare (leverans) DeliveryOrderer Hyd. sample_orderer ORDERER Orderer Beställare Orderer Hyd. latitude_dm VISIT_LATIT Latitude (GGMM.MM) Latitud (GGMM.MM) LatitudeDm Hyd. longitude_dm VISIT_LONGI Longitude (GGMM.MM) Longitud (GGMM.MM) LongitudeDm Hyd. latitude_dd LATIT_DD Latitude (GG.gggg) Latitud (GG.gggg) LatitudeDd Hyd. longitude_dd LONGI_DD Longitude (GG.gggg) Longitud (GG.gggg) LongitudeDd Hyd. location_svar_sea_area_name SEA_AREA_NAME Sea area name (SVAR) Vattenförekomst (SVAR) LocationSvarSeaAreaName Hyd. location_svar_sea_area_code SEA_AREA_CODE Sea area code (SVAR) Vattenförekomst-kod (SVAR) LocationSvarSeaAreaCode Hyd. sea_area SEA_AREA Sea area Havsområde SeaArea Hyd. water_district STAT_WATER_DISTRICT Water district Vattendistrikt WaterDistrict Hyd. location_county_name COUNTY_NAME County Län LocationCountyName Hyd. water_type_area_id WATER_TYPE_AREA Water type area Vattentyp WaterTypeAreaId Hyd. type_area_name STAT_TYPE_AREA_NAME Water type area Typområde TypeAreaName Hyd. municipality_name STAT_MUNICIPALITY_NAME Municipality Kommun MunicipalityName Hyd. visit_comment COMNT_VISIT Sampling event comment Besökskommentar VisitComment Hyd. country_name CTRYID Country Land CountryName Hyd. platform_code SHIPC Sampling platform Provtagningsplattform PlatformCode Hyd. sample_series STNNO Serie number Serienummer SampleSeries Hyd. water_depth WADEP Station water depth Vattendjup vid stationen WaterDepth Hyd. mixed_layer_depth MLD Mixed Layer depth Djup omblandat ytlager MixedLayerDepth Hyd. secchi SECCHI Secchi (m) Secchidjup Secchi Hyd. q_secchi Q_SECCHI Q-flag Secchi Q-flagga Siktdjup QSecchi Hyd. weather_observations_code WEATH Weather observations Väderlek WeatherObservationsCode Hyd. clouds_code CLOUD Clouds Molnighet CloudsCode Hyd. wind_direction_code WINDR Wind direction Vindriktning WindDirectionCode Hyd. wind_speed WINSP Wind speed Vindhastighet WindSpeed Hyd. current_direction CURDIR Current Direction Strömriktning CurrentDirection Hyd. current_velosity CURVEL Curren Velosity Strömhastighet (cm/s) CurrentVelosity Hyd. sampling_depth DEPH Sampling depth (m) Provdjup (m) SamplingDepth Hyd. sample_min_depth MNDEP Sample minimum depth Provets övre djup (m) SampleMinDepth Hyd. sample_max_depth MXDEP Sample maximum depth Provets nedre djup (m) SampleMaxDepth Hyd. number_of_depth NODEPTH Number of depths Antal djup NumberOfDepth Hyd. unit MUNIT Unit Mätenhet Unit Hyd. sampler_type SMTYP Sampler type Provtagartyp SamplerType Hyd. sample_type_hyd SAMPLE_TYPE Sample type (Hyd) Provtyp (hydrografi) SampleTypeHyd Hyd. method_of_analysis METOA Method of analysis Analysmetod MethodOfAnalysis Hyd. method_documentation METDC Method documentation Metoddokument referens MethodDocumentation Hyd. sampling_laboratory SLABO Sampling laboratory Provtagningslaboratorium SamplingLaboratory Hyd. analytical_laboratory ALABO Analytical laboratory Analyslaboratorium AnalyticalLaboratory Hyd. limit_of_quantification LMQNT Limit of quantification Kvantifieringsgräns LimitOfQuantification Hyd. estimation_of_uncertainty UNCERT Estimation of measurement uncertainty Mätosäkerhet EstimationOfUncertainty Hyd. method_of_calculating_uncertainty METCU Method of calculating uncertainty Metod för beräkning av mätosäkerhet MethodOfCalculatingUncertainty Hyd. analysis_range RANAL Range of analysis Mätområde AnalysisRange Hyd. method_comment MET_COMNT Method comment Metodkommentar MethodComment Hyd. CommentSP COMNT_SP Sample part comment Provdels-kommentar Commentsp Bio. XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX LIFE_FORM Life form Livsform Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Bio. aggregated_subsamples NOAGG Nr of aggregated subsamples Antal aggregerade delprov AggregatedSubsamples Bio. analysed_by ANA_RESP Analysed by Analysansvarig AnalysedBy Bio. analysis_date ANADATE Analysis date Analysdatum AnalysisDate Bio. analytical_laboratory ALABO Analytical laboratory Analyslaboratorium AnalyticalLaboratory Bio. analyzed_volume ANAVOL Volume analysed Analyserad volym AnalyzedVolume Bio. bare_substrate SECT_BARE_SUBST% Bare substrate (%) Kalbotten (%) BareSubstrate Bio. bitemark BITEMARK Bitemark Bitmärke Bitemark Bio. calc_by_dv CALC_BY_DATA_CENTRE Value calculated by data centre Värde beräknat av datavärden CalcByDv Bio. calculation_method CLMET Calculation method Beräkningsmetod CalculationMethod Bio. carbon_per_unit_pg CARBON_PG/UNIT Carbon content/unit (pg) Kol/enhet (pg) CarbonPerUnitPg Bio. cause_of_death CAUSE_OF_DEATH Cause of death Dödsorsak CauseOfDeath Bio. cell_length_in_filament_um CELL_LENGTH_IN_FILAMENT_UM Individual cell engths in filament (um) Cellernas längd i filament (um) CellLengthInFilamentUm Bio. cell_volume CEVOL_PEG Cell volume from PEG (um3) Cellvolym från PEG-lista (um3) CellVolume Bio. changelog_comment CHANGE_LOG_COMNT Change log comment by data centre Ändringskommentar (datavärd) ChangelogComment Bio. clouds_code CLOUD Clouds Molnighet CloudsCode Bio. coefficient COEFF Coefficient for calculation Beräkningskoefficient Coefficient Bio. column short descr_en descr_sv Column Bio. copyright_holder COPYRIGHT Image copyright holder Copyright till bild CopyrightHolder Bio. counted_portions CPORT Counted portions Räknade delar CountedPortions Bio. counter_program COUNTPROG Counting application Registreringsprogram CounterProgram Bio. country_code CNTRY Nation code Nationskod CountryCode Bio. county_name STAT_COUNTY_NAME County Län CountyName Bio. datatype_code DTYPE Data type Datatyp DatatypeCode Bio. datatype_code DTYPE Data type Datatyp DatatypeCode Bio. debris_cover SECT_DEBRIS% Debris cover (%) Täckning av lösdrivande alger (%) DebrisCover Bio. degree_biofouling BIOFOUL_% Biofouling (%) Påväxtgrad (%) DegreeBiofouling Bio. delivery_comment DN_COMNT Delivery note comment Fraktsedelkommentar DeliveryComment Bio. delivery_orderer ORDERER Orderer Beställare DeliveryOrderer Bio. delivery_package_name DATA_SET_NAME Data set name Leveranspaket DeliveryPackageName Bio. delivery_project_code DELIVERY_PROJ Project code for the data set Dataleveransens projektkod DeliveryProjectCode Bio. depth_qflag QDEP Depth quality flag Q-flagga för djupuppskattning DepthQflag Bio. detached DETACHED Not attached Ej fastsittande Detached Bio. species_dev_stage STAGE Stage Utvecklingsstadium SpeciesDevStage Bio. distance SMP_DISTS Distance to origo Avstånd till nollpunkt Distance Bio. diver_name DIVER_ID Diver name Dykare DiverName Bio. epibiont EPIBIONT Epibiotic Epibiotisk Epibiont Bio. expedition_id EXPID Expedition identifier Expeditions-id ExpeditionId Bio. exposure EXPOS Exposure Exponeringsgrad Exposure Bio. factors_influencing_code FINFL Factors influencing sample Faktorer som påverkat provet FactorsInfluencingCode Bio. fauna_flora_found FNFLA Fauna/Flora found Fauna/Flora funnen FaunaFloraFound Bio. finding_circumstances FCST Finding cricumstance Fyndomständighet FindingCircumstances Bio. helcom_ospar_area STAT_HELCOM-OSPAR_AREA Station in HELCOM/OSPAR area Stationen inom HELCOM/OSPAR-område HelcomOsparArea Bio. ice_observations_code ICEOB Ice observations Istäckning IceObservationsCode Bio. image_id IMAGEID Image identifier Fotografi-id ImageId Bio. import_datetime IMP_TIME Import time Import-tid ImportDatetime Bio. import_file_name FILE_NAME File name Filnamn ImportFileName Bio. import_format IMP_FORMAT Import format Importformat ImportFormat Bio. import_matrix_column IMP_MATRIX_COLUMN Column of Import matrix Kolumn i importmatrisen ImportMatrixColumn Bio. import_status IMP_STATUS Import status Status på dataimporten ImportStatus Bio. imported_by IMP_BY Imported by Importerat av ImportedBy Bio. incubation_end_time IETIM Incubation end time Inkubationstid slut IncubationEndTime Bio. incubation_method INCUB_MET Incubation method Inkubationsmetod IncubationMethod Bio. incubation_radiation INCUR Incubation radiation (uE/m2/s) Inkubations-ljusintensitet (uE/m2/s) IncubationRadiation Bio. incubation_start_time ISTIM Incubation start time Inkubationstid start IncubationStartTime Bio. incubation_time INTIM Incubation time (h) Inkubationstid (h) IncubationTime Bio. insolation_air INAIR Insolation air (uE/m2/s) Ljusinstrålning luft (uE/m2/s) InsolationAir Bio. magnification MAGNI Magnification Förstoringsgrad Magnification Bio. matrix_analysed_code MATRX Analyzed matrix Analyserad matris MatrixAnalysedCode Bio. mesh_size MESHS Mesh size Maskvidd MeshSize Bio. method_comment MET_COMNT Method comment Metodkommentar MethodComment Bio. method_documentation METDC Method documentation Metoddokument MethodDocumentation Bio. method_of_analysis_code METOA Method of analysis Analysmetod MethodOfAnalysisCode Bio. monitoring_program_code MPROG Monitoring program Övervakningsprogram MonitoringProgramCode Bio. municipality_name STAT_MUNICIPALITY_NAME Municipality Kommun MunicipalityName Bio. nation_name STAT_NATION_CODE Nation Nation NationName Bio. nr_cells_per_unit CELLS/UNIT Number of cells/unit Antal celler/enhet NrCellsPerUnit Bio. number_of_portions NPORT Number of portions Antal delprov NumberOfPortions Bio. number_of_portions_2 NPORT Number of portions Antal delprov NumberOfPortions2 Bio. observation_distance OBSDIST Observation distance (m) Observationsavstånd (m) ObservationDistance Bio. orderer ORDERER Orderer Beställare Orderer Bio. parameter PARAM Parameter Parameter Parameter Bio. photo_code PHOTO Photo Fotokod PhotoCode Bio. photo_documentation PHOTO_DOC Existing photo documentation Fotodokumentation PhotoDocumentation Bio. plankton_sampling_method PDMET Plankton sampling method Planktonprovtagningsmetod PlanktonSamplingMethod Bio. platform_code SHIPC Sampling platform Provtagningsplattform PlatformCode Bio. positioning_system_code POSYS Positioning system Positioneringssystem PositioningSystemCode Bio. preservation_method_code METFP Preservation method Fixeringsmetod PreservationMethodCode Bio. preservation_volume PRESVOL Added preservative volume Volym fixativ PreservationVolume Bio. project_code PROJ Project code Projektkod ProjectCode Bio. project_name PROJ_NAME Project name Projektnamn ProjectName Bio. project_purpose PROJ_PURP Project purpose description Projektets syfte ProjectPurpose Bio. protected_area STATN_MPA Protected areas Skyddat område ProtectedArea Bio. protected_areas STATN_MPAS Protected areas Skyddade områden ProtectedAreas Bio. purpose_code PURPM Monitoring purpose Syfte med provtagningen PurposeCode Bio. qualifier_code QFLAG Qualifier flag Q-flagga QualifierCode Bio. recruits RECRUIT Recruitment Nyrekrytering Recruits Bio. reference_source_code REFSK Reference source Referenskälla ReferenceSourceCode Bio. reported_by REPBY Reported by Rapporterat av ReportedBy Bio. reported_cell_volume CEVOL Volume per cell (um3) Cellens volym (um3) ReportedCellVolume Bio. reported_parameter REP_PARAM Reported parameter Rapporterad parameter ReportedParameter Bio. reported_station_name STATN Reported station name Rapporterat stationsnamn ReportedStationName Bio. reported_scientific_name LATNM Reported scientific name Rapporterat vetenskapligt namn ReportedScientificName Bio. reported_unit REP_MUNIT Reported unit Rapporterad enhet ReportedUnit Bio. reported_value REP_VALUE Reported value Rapporterat värde ReportedValue Bio. reporting_institute RLABO Reporting institute Rapporterande institut ReportingInstitute Bio. reproductive_organs REPROD_ORG Reproductive organs Fortplantningsorgan ReproductiveOrgans Bio. salinity_corrected S_CORRECTION Corrected for salinity Korrigerat för saltinnehåll SalinityCorrected Bio. salinity_correction S_COR_FAC Salinity correction factor Korrigeringsfaktor salthalt SalinityCorrection Bio. sample_cluster SMP_GROUP Sample cluster Provgruppering SampleCluster Bio. sample_comment COMNT_SAMP Sample comment Prov-kommentar SampleComment Bio. sample_date SMPDATE Sampling date (start) Provtagningsdatum (start) SampleDate Bio. sample_enddate ENDDATE Sampling end date Slutdatum provtagning SampleEnddate Bio. sample_endtime ENDTIME Sampling end time Slut-tid provtagning SampleEndtime Bio. sample_id SMPNO Sample identifier Prov-id SampleId Bio. sample_latitude_dd SMPLATIT_DD Sample latitude (decimal deg.) Provets latitud (decimalgrad) SampleLatitudeDd Bio. sample_longitude_dd SMPLONGI_DD Sample longitude (decimal deg.) Provets longitud (decimalgrad) SampleLongitudeDd Bio. sample_max_depth MXDEP Sample maximum depth Provets nedre djup SampleMaxDepth Bio. sample_min_depth MNDEP Sample minimum depth Provets övre djup SampleMinDepth Bio. sample_month SMPMONTH Sampling month (start) Provtagningsmånad (start) SampleMonth Bio. sample_part_id SUBNO Sample part identifier Provdels-id SamplePartId Bio. sample_part_max SPMAX Maximum depth in sample Nedre provdjup SamplePartMax Bio. sample_part_min SPMIN Minimum depth in sample Övre provdjup SamplePartMin Bio. sample_part_minmax_unit SPUNIT Depth unit Enhet på provdelsdjupet SamplePartMinmaxUnit Bio. sample_part_volume SPVOL Sample part volume Provdelsvolym SamplePartVolume Bio. sample_positioning_system_code POSYS Positioning system Positionerings-system SamplePositioningSystemCode Bio. sample_reported_latitude SMP_LATIT Sample latitude Provets latitud SampleReportedLatitude Bio. sample_reported_longitude SMP_LONGI Sample longitude Provets longitud SampleReportedLongitude Bio. sample_series SERNO Series number Serienummer SampleSeries Bio. sample_splitting_code SPLIT Sample splitter code Prov-uppdelare SampleSplittingCode Bio. sample_time SMPTIME Sampling time (start) Provtagningstid (start) SampleTime Bio. sampled_by SMP_BY Sampled by Prov insamlat av SampledBy Bio. sampled_volume SMVOL Sampled volume Provtagningsvolym SampledVolume Bio. sampler_area SAREA Sampler area Provtagar-area SamplerArea Bio. sampler_type_code SMTYP Sampler type Provtagartyp SamplerTypeCode Bio. sampling_laboratory SLABO Sampling laboratory Provtagningslaboratorium SamplingLaboratory Bio. sea_area SEA_AREA Sea area Havsområde SeaArea Bio. sea_status_code SEAST Sea status Sjögång SeaStatusCode Bio. sect_comnt_boulder SECT_COMNT_BOULDER Substrate comment boulder Kommentar block SectComntBoulder Bio. sect_comnt_gravel SECT_COMNT_GRAVEL Substrate comment gravel Kommentar grus SectComntGravel Bio. sect_comnt_rock SECT_COMNT_ROCK Substrate comment rock Kommentar häll SectComntRock Bio. sect_comnt_sand SECT_COMNT_SAND Substrate comment sand Kommentar sand SectComntSand Bio. sect_comnt_softbottom SECT_COMNT_SOFTBOTTOM Substrate comment soft bottom Kommentar mjukbotten SectComntSoftbottom Bio. sect_comnt_stone SECT_COMNT_STONE Substrate comment stone Kommentar sten SectComntStone Bio. sect_cover_boulder SECT_COVER_BOULDER Substrate cover boulder Täckningsgrad block SectCoverBoulder Bio. sect_cover_gravel SECT_COVER_GRAVEL Substrate cover gravel Täckningsgrad grus SectCoverGravel Bio. sect_cover_rock SECT_COVER_ROCK Substrate cover rock Täckningsgrad häll SectCoverRock Bio. sect_cover_sand SECT_COVER_SAND Substrate cover sand Täckningsgrad sand SectCoverSand Bio. sect_cover_softbottom SECT_COVER_SOFTBOTTOM Substrate cover soft bottom Täckningsgrad mjukbotten SectCoverSoftbottom Bio. sect_cover_stone SECT_COVER_STONE Substrate cover stone Täckningsgrad sten SectCoverStone Bio. sect_fauna_flora_found SECT_FNFLA Section fauna/flora found Fauna/Flora funnen i avsnitt SectFaunaFloraFound Bio. section_comment COMNT_SECT Section comment Avsnitts-kommentar SectionComment Bio. section_distance_end SECT_DISTS_END Section end distance to origo Avsnittets slutavstånd till nollpunkt SectionDistanceEnd Bio. section_distance_start SECT_DISTS_START Section start distance to origo Avsnittets startavstånd till nollpunkt SectionDistanceStart Bio. section_end_depth SECT_DEP_END Section end depth Avsnittets slutdjup SectionEndDepth Bio. section_end_latitude_dd SECT_LATIT_END_DD Section end latitude (decimal deg.) Avsnittets slutlatitud (decimalgrad) SectionEndLatitudeDd Bio. section_end_latitude_dm SECT_LATIT_END Section end latitude Avsnittets slutlatitud SectionEndLatitudeDm Bio. section_end_longitude_dd SECT_LONGI_END_DD Section end longitude (decimal deg.) Avsnittets slutlongitud (decimalgrad) SectionEndLongitudeDd Bio. section_end_longitude_dm SECT_LONGI_END Section end longitude Avsnittets slutlongitud SectionEndLongitudeDm Bio. section_id SECT_ID Section identifier Avsnitts-id SectionId Bio. section_start_depth SECT_DEP_START Section start depth Avsnittets startdjup SectionStartDepth Bio. section_start_latitude_dd SECT_LATIT_START_DD Section start latitude (decimal deg.) Avsnittets startlatitud (decimalgrad) SectionStartLatitudeDd Bio. section_start_latitude_dm SECT_LATIT_START Section start latitude Avsnittets startlatitud SectionStartLatitudeDm Bio. section_start_longitude_dd SECT_LONGI_START_DD Section start longitude (decimal deg.) Avsnittets startlongitud (decimalgrad) SectionStartLongitudeDd Bio. section_start_longitude_dm SECT_LONGI_START Section start longitude Avsnittets startlongitud SectionStartLongitudeDm Bio. sediment_deposition_code DEPOS Sediment deposition Sedimentdeposition SedimentDepositionCode Bio. sediment_type SDTYP Sediment type Sedimenttyp SedimentType Bio. sedimentation_time SDTIM Sedimentation time Sedimentationstid SedimentationTime Bio. sedimentation_volume SDVOL Sedimentation volume Sedimentationskammarvolym SedimentationVolume Bio. species_sex SEXCO Sex Kön SpeciesSex Bio. species_size_class SIZCL Size class Storleksklass SpeciesSizeClass Bio. species_size_class_max SIZCL_MAX Size class max Storleksklass (max) SpeciesSizeClassMax Bio. species_size_class_min SIZCL_MIN Size class min Storleksklass (min) SpeciesSizeClassMin Bio. species_size_class_ref_list_code SIZRF Size class reference list Storleksreferens-lista SpeciesSizeClassRefListCode Bio. slope SLOPE Slope Lutning Slope Bio. species_flag SFLAG Species flag Art-flagga SpeciesFlag Bio. species_list_year SPECLY Species list year Artliste-år SpeciesListYear Bio. start_serno START_SERNO First serial number on cruise Expeditionens första serienummer StartSerno Bio. station_cluster STAT_CLUSTER Station cluster Stationsgruppering StationCluster Bio. station_e_sweref99tm STATN_E_SWEREF99TM Nominal position (E Sweref99tm) Nominell position (E Sweref99tm) StationESweref99tm Bio. station_latitude_dd STAT_LATIT Nominal latitude Nominell latitud StationLatitudeDd Bio. station_latitude_dm STAT_LATIT_DM Nominal latitude (decimal minute) Nominell latitud (decimalminut) StationLatitudeDm Bio. station_longitude_dd STAT_LONGI Nominal longitude Nominell longitud StationLongitudeDd Bio. station_longitude_dm STAT_LONGI_DM Nominal longitude (decimal minute) Nominell longitud (decimalminut) StationLongitudeDm Bio. station_marking STN_MARK Station marked Stationsmarkering StationMarking Bio. station_n_sweref99tm STATN_N_SWEREF99TM Nominal position (N Sweref99tm) Nominell position (N Sweref99tm) StationNSweref99tm Bio. station_name STATN_NAME Station name Stationsnamn StationName Bio. station_photo STN_PHOTO Station photo documented Stationen fotodokumentaterad StationPhoto Bio. station_type_code MSTAT Monitoring station type Typ av övervakningsstation StationTypeCode Bio. station_x_rt90 STATN_X_RT90 Nominal position (x RT90) Nominell position (y RT90) StationXRt90 Bio. station_y_rt90 STATN_Y_RT90 Nominal position (y RT90) Nominell position (y RT90) StationYRt90 Bio. storage_method_code METST Storage method Lagringsmetod StorageMethodCode Bio. stratum_code STRID Stratum Stratum StratumCode Bio. subst_comnt_boulder SUBST_COMNT_BOULDER Substrate comment boulder Kommentar block SubstComntBoulder Bio. subst_comnt_gravel SUBST_COMNT_GRAVEL Substrate comment gravel Kommentar grus SubstComntGravel Bio. subst_comnt_rock SUBST_COMNT_ROCK Substrate comment rock Kommentar häll SubstComntRock Bio. subst_comnt_sand SUBST_COMNT_SAND Substrate comment sand Kommentar sand SubstComntSand Bio. subst_comnt_softbottom SUBST_COMNT_SOFTBOTTOM Substrate comment soft bottom Kommentar mjukbotten SubstComntSoftbottom Bio. subst_comnt_stone SUBST_COMNT_STONE Substrate comment stone Kommentar sten SubstComntStone Bio. subst_cover_boulder SUBST_COVER_BOULDER Substrate cover boulder Täckningsgrad block SubstCoverBoulder Bio. subst_cover_gravel SUBST_COVER_GRAVEL Substrate cover gravel Täckningsgrad grus SubstCoverGravel Bio. subst_cover_rock SUBST_COVER_ROCK Substrate cover rock Täckningsgrad häll SubstCoverRock Bio. subst_cover_sand SUBST_COVER_SAND Substrate cover sand Täckningsgrad sand SubstCoverSand Bio. subst_cover_softbottom SUBST_COVER_SOFTBOTTOM Substrate cover soft bottom Täckningsgrad mjukbotten SubstCoverSoftbottom Bio. subst_cover_stone SUBST_COVER_STONE Substrate cover stone Täckningsgrad sten SubstCoverStone Bio. substrate_description SUBST_DESCR Substrate description Substratbeskrivning SubstrateDescription Bio. sum(value) SUM_VALUE Summed value Summerat värde Sum(value) Bio. svar_sea_area_code STAT_SEA_AREA_CODE Sea area code Vatteförekomst-kod SvarSeaAreaCode Bio. svar_sea_area_name STAT_SEA_AREA_NAME Sea area Vattenförekomst SvarSeaAreaName Bio. synonym_names STATN_SYN Station synonyms Stations-synonymer SynonymNames Bio. taxon_class CLASS Class Klass TaxonClass Bio. taxon_family FAMILY Family Familj TaxonFamily Bio. taxon_genus GENUS Genus Släkte TaxonGenus Bio. taxon_hierarchy HIERARCHY Taxon hierarchy Taxonhierarki TaxonHierarchy Bio. dyntaxa_id TAXONID dyntaxa_id Taxon-id DyntaxaId Bio. taxon_kingdom KINGDOM Kingdom Rike TaxonKingdom Bio. taxon_order ORDER Order Ordning TaxonOrder Bio. taxon_photo PHOTO_TAXON Taxon on photo Taxon fotograferat TaxonPhoto Bio. taxon_phylum PHYLUM Phylum Stam TaxonPhylum Bio. taxon_species SPECIES Species Art TaxonSpecies Bio. taxonomist TAXNM Taxonomist Taxonom Taxonomist Bio. transect_comment COMNT_TRANS Transect comment Transekt-kommentar TransectComment Bio. transect_direction TRANSDIR Transect direction Kompassriktning TransectDirection Bio. transect_end_latitude_dd TRANS_LATIT_END_DD Transect end latitude (decimal deg.) Transektets slutlatitud (decimalgrad) TransectEndLatitudeDd Bio. transect_end_latitude_dm TRANS_LATIT_END Transect end latitude Transektets slutlatitud TransectEndLatitudeDm Bio. transect_end_longitude_dd TRANS_LONGI_END_DD Transect end longitude (decimal deg.) Transektets slutlongitud (decimalgrad) TransectEndLongitudeDd Bio. transect_end_longitude_dm TRANS_LONGI_END Transect end longitude Transektets slutlongitud TransectEndLongitudeDm Bio. transect_fulfill_BG06 BG06 Transect fulfill BG06 criteria Transektet uppfyller BG06-kriterier TransectFulfillBg06 Bio. transect_id TRANS_ID Transect identifier Transekt-id TransectId Bio. transect_length TRANS_LENGTH Transect length Transekt-längd TransectLength Bio. transect_max_depth TRANS_MAXDEP Transect maximum depth Transektets största djup TransectMaxDepth Bio. transect_max_distance DISTS_MAX Maximum distance to origo Avstånd till nollpunkt (max) TransectMaxDistance Bio. transect_min_depth TRANS_MINDEP Transect minimum depth Transektets minsta djup TransectMinDepth Bio. transect_min_distance DISTS_MIN Minimum distance to origo Avstånd till nollpunkt (min) TransectMinDistance Bio. transect_start_latitude_dd TRANS_LATIT_START_DD Transect start latitude (decimal deg.) Transektets startlatitud (decimalgrad) TransectStartLatitudeDd Bio. transect_start_latitude_dm TRANS_LATIT_START Transect start latitude Transektets startlatitud TransectStartLatitudeDm Bio. transect_start_longitude_dd TRANS_LONGI_START_DD Transect start longitude (decimal deg.) Transektets startlongitud (decimalgrad) TransectStartLongitudeDd Bio. transect_start_longitude_dm TRANS_LONGI_START Transect start longitude Transektets startlongitud TransectStartLongitudeDm Bio. transect_video VIDEO_RECORD Transect video recorded Transekt videofilmad TransectVideo Bio. transect_width TRANS_WIDTH Transect width Transektbredd TransectWidth Bio. species_trophy TROPHIC Trophic level Trofinivå SpeciesTrophy Bio. type_area_name STAT_TYPE_AREA_NAME Water type area Typområde TypeAreaName Bio. unit MUNIT Unit Mätenhet Unit Bio. unit_type UNIT Unit type Enhetstyp UnitType Bio. value VALUE Value Mätvärde Value Bio. variable_comment COMNT_VAR Variable comment Variabel-kommentar VariableComment Bio. video_documentation VIDEO_DOC Existing video documentation Videodokumentation VideoDocumentation Bio. video_interpreted VIDEO_INTERP Video interpreted Videotolkad VideoInterpreted Bio. visibility_depth SECCHI Secchi depth Siktdjup (Secchi) VisibilityDepth Bio. visit_comment COMNT_VISIT Sampling event comment Besöks-kommentar VisitComment Bio. visit_date SDATE Sampling date Provtagningsdatum VisitDate Bio. visit_day VISIT_DAY Sampling day Provtagningsdag VisitDay Bio. visit_id VISITID Sampling event identifier Provtagningstillfälle-id VisitId Bio. visit_month MONTH Month Månad VisitMonth Bio. visit_reported_latitude LATIT Latitude Latitud VisitReportedLatitude Bio. visit_reported_longitude LONGI Longitude Longitud VisitReportedLongitude Bio. visit_year MYEAR Year År VisitYear Bio. viss_eu_id VISS_EU_ID VISS EU-ID VISS EU-ID VissEuId Bio. volume_um3 VOLUME_UM3/UNIT Biovolume/unit (um3) Biovolym/enhet (um3) VolumeUm3 Bio. water_category_type STAT_WLTYP Water category Vattenkategori WaterCategoryType Bio. water_depth WADEP Station water depth Vattendjup vid stationen WaterDepth Bio. water_district STAT_WATER_DISTRICT Water district Vattendistrikt WaterDistrict Bio. water_land_type_code WLTYP Water land type Stationens vatten-land-typ WaterLandTypeCode Bio. water_level_deviation WATLD Sealevel Vattenstånd WaterLevelDeviation Bio. water_type_area_id WATER_TYPE_AREA Water type area Vattentyp WaterTypeAreaId Bio. wave_exposure WAVXP Wave exposure Våg-exponeringsgrad WaveExposure Bio. wave_height WAVHT Wave height Våghöjd WaveHeight Bio. weather_observations_code WEATH Weather observations Väderlek WeatherObservationsCode Bio. wind_direction_code WINDR Wind direction Vindriktning WindDirectionCode Bio. wind_speed WINSP Wind speed Vindhastighet WindSpeed Bio. wire_angle WIRAN Wire angle Wire-vinkel WireAngle Bio. scientific_name SCIENTIFIC_NAME Scientific name Vetenskapligt namn ScientificName Bio. visit_latitude_dm VISIT_LATIT Visit latitude (degrees+decimal minute) Besökets latitud (grad+decimalminut) VisitLatitudeDm Bio. visit_longitude_dm VISIT_LONGI Visit longitude (deg+decimal minute) Besökets longitud (grad+decimalminut) VisitLongitudeDm Bio. latitude_dd LATIT_DD Latitude (decimal degrees) Latitud (decimalgrader) LatitudeDd Bio. longitude_dd LONGI_DD Longitude (decimal degrees) Longitud (decimalgrader) LongitudeDd Bio. location_water_category_type WLTYP Water land type Kust/utsjö LocationWaterCategoryType Bio. location_nation_name location_nation_name location_nation_name location_nation_name LocationNationName Bio. location_county_name COUNTY_NAME County Län LocationCountyName Bio. location_municipality_name MUNICIPALITY_NAME Municipality Kommun LocationMunicipalityName Bio. location_water_district WATER_DISTRICT Water district Vattendistrikt LocationWaterDistrict Bio. location_svar_sea_area_code SEA_AREA_CODE Sea area code (SVAR) Vattenförekomst-kod (SVAR) LocationSvarSeaAreaCode Bio. location_svar_sea_area_name SEA_AREA_NAME Sea area name (SVAR) Vattenförekomst (SVAR) LocationSvarSeaAreaName Bio. location_type_area_name WATER_TYPE_AREA Water type area Typområde LocationTypeAreaName Bio. location_helcom_ospar_area HELCOM-OSPAR_AREA HELCOM/OSPAR area HELCOM/OSPAR-område LocationHelcomOsparArea Bio. visit_n_sweref99tm VISIT_N_SWEREF99TM Visit N SWEREF99TM Besöksposition N SWEREF99TM VisitNSweref99tm Bio. visit_e_sweref99tm VISIT_E_SWEREF99TM Visit E SWEREF99TM Besöksposition E SWEREF99TM VisitESweref99tm Bio. visit_x_rt90 VISIT_x_RT90 Visit x RT90 Besöksposition x RT90 VisitXRt90 Bio. visit_y_rt90 VISIT_y_RT90 Visit y RT90 Besöksposition y RT90 VisitYRt90 Bio. sample_latitude_dm SAMPLE_LAT_DM Sample latitude (degrees+decimal minute) Provposition latitud (grad+decimalminut) SampleLatitudeDm Bio. sample_longitude_dm SAMPLE_LONG_DM Sample longitude (deg+decimal minute) Provposition longitud (grad+decimalminut) SampleLongitudeDm Bio. sample_n_sweref99tm SAMPLE_N_SWEREF99TM Sample N SWEREF99TM Provposition N SWEREF99TM SampleNSweref99tm Bio. sample_e_sweref99tm SAMPLE_E_SWEREF99TM Sample E SWEREF99TM Provposition E SWEREF99TM SampleESweref99tm Bio. sample_x_rt90 SAMPLE_x_RT90 Sample x RT90 Provposition x RT90 SampleXRt90 Bio. sample_y_rt90 SAMPLE_y_RT90 Sample y RT90 Provposition y RT90 SampleYRt90 Bio. used_indwetwt USED_INDWETWT Used individual wet weight Använd individuell våtvikt UsedIndwetwt Bio. taxon_author TAXON_AUTHOR Author Auktor TaxonAuthor Bio. taxon_type_name taxon_type_name taxon_type_name taxon_type_name TaxonTypeName Bio. taxon_hierachy TAXON_HIERARCHY Parent taxa Föräldrataxa TaxonHierachy Bio. monitoring_years MYEARS Monitoring years Provtagningsår MonitoringYears Bio.